Air pump raising res temps way too much... what to do?


Active Member
Hi I built a custom DWC system with four 2gallon buckets and an external 5 gallon res which circulates to all four via a pump and returns via gravity fed hoses. Each bucket has its own air stone and all are being oxygenated 24 hours a day. On top of this I add two or three frozen 2L bottles twice a day to the res but Im still getting res temps that shoot up way to high, when I checked this morning it was at 78ºF which is way to high!!!! I could definitely see the plants were not happy... droopy leaves for sure.

Everything is in a small grow tent with a 180w LED and two T5's which keeps the air temps around 75º when the lights are on but still the res temps keep rising. I think the problem is the air pumps pumping hot air into the buckets, has anyone else experienced this and what can I do? I don't have any more room in my freezer to have more water bottles going....

Thanks for the help!!!!