air pump size info please HELP so confused ........

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
i am looking at building a dwc and just wanting to know info please

1.should i go for a high flow rate unit with low watts (fishtank pump) or a high watt unit (pond pump) ????????

2. if high watt what size (15w,20w, etc) ?

3. if low watt what flow rate ?

4. what sort of noise level should i expect with the unit you advise ?

please help people RIU and here a :joint: for reading my post


Active Member
hello brov i need to know this too as iv just bin to my hydro shop and got 4 10L black buckets and made my own 17quid for 4 with the net baskets plus he did the holes for me bro BARGIN now all i need is a 4 outlet air pump! and the reason there 10L is coz its only for veg so im not boverd about size n il just use 20L for flowering!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I use 2 of these 4 port Air Pumps.
Can order from for $19.99 online.
Here's the specs:

Model #9904 uses 5 watts of power, is for use in tanks 26-212 gallons, includes four air outputs, four airstones, four check valves and (4) 78" of plastic tubing

And they DO come with everything listed above ! 4 of each. Won't need the 4 air stones though, they are the real small ones some ppl put IN or on the bottom of their net pots b/c they are so tiny.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
I use 2 of these 4 port Air Pumps.
Can order from for $19.99 online.
Here's the specs:

Model #9904 uses 5 watts of power, is for use in tanks 26-212 gallons, includes four air outputs, four airstones, four check valves and (4) 78" of plastic tubing

And they DO come with everything listed above ! 4 of each. Won't need the 4 air stones though, they are the real small ones some ppl put IN or on the bottom of their net pots b/c they are so tiny.
how many plants do you run of those 2 babys ?

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
how many plants do you run of those 2 babys ?
I have 4 -14 inch air stones attached to one pump
And 4 - 4inch larger column/pillar shaped stones attached to the other
See no diff in either to be honest.
3 plants per 12gal Igloo cooler too. Check my thread : 1st DWC 12/12 from Seed
Plants are pushing 18 inches at 5 weeks from seed in one cooler; topped to 2nd node @ 14 days olds
And 3 inches tall at 2 weeks from seed in the other cooler; topped to 1st node @ 10days old

Watts per gallon isnt so much a point to go off of.
If it gets the air moving is the key
Some pumps are "powerful" and suck, some are "weak" and kick ass



Well-Known Member
i was looking at one like this is it noise enough that people next door would hear it through the wall ??????
Your neighbors wont be able to hear it. With my closet door shut I can tell there is some sort of motor humming but if i get more than a couple feet away I can't hear it at all. At the same time it's certainly not a model you could put in a grow tent and expect people to walk buy it without hearing it.

what air stones will i need that dont float?
Most 4inch stones or bigger will not float. Any aquarium stones will work. Generally the smaller the bubbles the better.