Air pump size question. DWC noob.

I have a super luft sl-65 (65lpm) and a rena 400 (3.3lpm x 2). The rena is nearly silent , less heat, less power and can power 2 5 gal buckets with just a little less bubbles then the big pump. I use 2 micropores per bucket but only run one line to each bucket then use a T to split it to the 2 micropores. If I was useing cheap $1 stones and use a line for each stone the 65lpm would kick the rena's ass. When the summer is over and I don't have the noise from the ac I will switch back to the rena. Remember to keep your AC's blowing on your air pumps if possible and coil your extra tubing and place it were the cold air blows. The super luft style pumps get very hot when they don't have cold air blowing over them.
has anyone sucessfully sound proofed one of these commercial pumps without having it burn up? i sound proofed mine and the motor burnt out within a few hours not my most brillian airpumpt idea but i had to do something back to my cheap ss aquarium air pump
They are not much louder than a fan but I would say if you enclose it to keep it quiet then you would have to vent that enclosure with small fans to keep it from overheating. Never done it but thats my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
is that 1w:1gal ratio really accurate? i have approximately a 30gal reservoir which i plan on utilizing about 25gal of water in. i currently have these cheap millionair pumps which i had originally purchased for a bubblecloner, but once i heard how loud my sunleaves were i had to send em back:

i have something like 10 of those little pumps at home, and was planning on using 4 in my resevoir, but now i am realizing i am going to have to use all of them if your math is correct. here is what my setup looks like:


using the sunleaves is definitely out of the question, entirely too loud. i was wondering what the sound levels are for the dual diaphragm GH pumps are like in comparison if anyone has used both. it's looking like i might be throwing more stoned in my damn res now =-(

sounds levels are super important, anything louder than my fan will be no good.


Just for future info - wattage and amperage has NOTHING to do with how well a pump or any other electrical item works. Both wattage and amperage can only tell you how much power is consumed, not how powerful or efficient a pump is. The gallons or liters per hour would be a better indicator of how well a pump works.


Active Member
the more air the better,I had an 18 gal dwc with a 4 outlet pump,ended up with 2 males 2 hermies,so I took the 2 females that were left and put them in 5 gal buckets now I have 1 pump runing a 6 inch stone in 1 and 1 with 4- 6 inch stones in it, waiting on the results if any.I already had the pump so I figured I would see if there would be any differance between them. peace and grow on
If your still active dude what were the results ?