Airflow question, maybe


Well-Known Member
Hey, long time reader, first time poster. You all rock the casbah.

So, I have a rubbermaid garbage can for my vegging clones. I attached a flouro light to the lid, and put mylar all over the inside, but have not cut holes in the can. I was mainly concerned with light escaping, as I want this to look like a storage bin just sitting in a closet should anyone glance inside. The power cord for the light runs down the inside and through a small slit near the bottom, which is located in the back. I leave the lid on, only slightly open on one side, and leave the closet door closed. Light on 24/0.

Here's my question: Everyone makes a big deal about airflow, but usually in the context of flowering plants. Does it make that big of a difference for the vegging clones? My problem is that the tips of the leaves are getting brown and crispy, which I think might be nute burn, or maybe not. Two of them have been in there for a month and only recently are having this problem. I fed them all at the same time with just about full strength Age Old Grow. The 1-2 week old clone probably shouldn't have been fed yet, but hey I'm learning. Otherwise temp and humidity are better than when they were just sitting on the floor in the closet. The can keeps them nicely around 75F with 35%rh, much better and more consistant than before. Anyway, any ideas on proper airflow and if I need some?

I haven't killed a plant yet, they seem to bounce back from just about anything I do to them even when I think they're dead, but I just changed to this environment and am curious if I can keep going with it.

Sorry that was so long, no digital camera to give you pics... :cry: