AK-47 Autos, Diesel Ryder Autos, Pakistani Autos, Kush #1's, My 1st Grow On This Site


What's up people!!! Just recently joined this site and I've decided to post my grow
that I just recently started also.
So, what's cooking you wonder? Hopefully you read the title. However, I have a few
more strains to add. I also have a Tangerine Dream, a Sour Cream, and 4 Jamaican Hash Bud plants that are obtainable through clone only. So yes, I have a total of 7 different varieties going. But I only have 1 of each of the Tangerine and Sour because
I'm just going to take some cuttings and clone them. No need to waste seeds.
Anyway, I just dropped 3 Diesels & 3 Sours in my soil mix. I just wanted to get rid of
them so I germmed them all. I'm done with autos after these.
Oh wait.... I have 1 more variety that just broke ground that I forgot about. I also have
1 Big Band from Kannabia Seeds going. So make that 8 types.
So I have,

3 Diesel Ryders
3 AK-47 Auto's
3 Pakistani Ryders
4 Jamaican Hash Bud
1 Tangerine Dream
1 Sour Cream
1 Special Kush #1
1 Big Band

And like I said, whatever I only have 1 of will be cloned.

My medium? Well, that's for tomorrow. Along with some pics. I have different plants
growing in different mixes. Well, slightly. I'm just looking for the best response to the different soil mixes. Like the Diesel & AK47. I soaked them for 2 days, got the tail and then dropped them in a mix of Coco Coir, MG Seed Starter and Worm Castings. Never used Coco Coir before, so this is a trial run for me. Kind of crazy that I'm doing it with expensive seeds, but I'm confident nothing will go wrong!

So, stay tuned for pics. I might even throw some up tonight!!! After I smoke a few in a little while and get right I'll take some pics.

Shout out to UB. Been following your shit and love it!!! I think I'm going to stay here on this site. Beat MP anytime!!!