

Well-Known Member
i was calculateng lummens of the cfl,floros and t5,s per watt.the cfl,s were 65 per watt,the floros were 4o and the t5,s were 90 lumens per watt.i would like to put all three when i veg.that would work out,but alot of cfls dont give the kevin readings.


Active Member
They are definetly more attracted to the blue spectrum, but I reasoned a little bit of red because it would be more imitating of the sun. It's great down here because all cfls' have their rating right on the top of the package. I did pick up one that didn't have the rating on the front, so I just opened it up and the kelvin rating is always on the cfl's ballast. Home Depot is so large you can just open the packages.

As for the T12 vs T5, from my understanding, the money saved by using T12s for vegging as opposed to T5 outweigh's their growth disadvantage. I'm sure you can get the same results from the T12 just by vegging longer. However I've heard you can still produce nice buds flowering with the T5 which I would never consider for the T12.

Hope that helps, peace!


Well-Known Member
is the 3000 more blue or is the 6500,it is in another forum,i believe the lower the kelvin the more blue is this right.


Active Member
So the two plants I'm flowering broke out their hairs today. One is definitely female, I've known it before the hairs came out, but the other seems to have pollen sacs nearer the bottom, and hairs on top. I'm still gonna wait on the other plant to see if I'm mistaken and hairs come out on the lower buds, but this might just be a hermie. I'm kinda hoping its a hermie so I can focus all the energy on one plant, electricity bill is ridiculously expensive right now.


Active Member
Okay so I'm doing two updates today, one one my vegging plants, and one on my flowering girls. First the vegs':

Picture One: two straight bushes of plants that I keep topping that I'm going to flower next. One I think is definitely a female and the other I'm just not sure. They're in 3 gallon pots now.

Picture Two: This little one was a minature in an 8in pot. I transfered it to a two gallon pot and sat him infront of the fan (a week ago). He (I'm assuming) went from 6 inch two 14 inch high and 12 inches wide. He's got fan leaves the size of my hand. He has a strong constant breeze all day. I hope it is a male so I can collect his pollen, this plant is a beast.

Picture Three: This is a plant I fried awhile back with a fallen cfl. I'm almost positive this is a female, and I've l.s.t'ed her with hopes of having her circle her 2 gal pot.

Picture Four: My clones from the female mother I'll show in the next post. Seven of them. Without plastic cover to get a better shot. They're doing ok, I doubt more than 3 will live however.



Active Member
Ok, so these are pictures of my two girls at the end of week two. They have hairs all over the bud spots and looks great. However, I am a horrible photographer and I really couldn't get decent bud shots yet. The plants are doing well, the fat girl gave seven clones. The skinny plant is 39 inches and fat girl is 34 but wide as hell. The skinny girl is gonna have one big cola while fat girl is gonna have alot of colas! I'm pretty excited that each plant is a bit different, fat girl being vegged close to the fan, and skinny girl being in the corner. It's so satisfiying seeing both bud. Its awesome.

Please note On the pictures: I took them when I took the girls out of 13 hours of darkness and high humidity, so they're a bit droopy.

The Rundown

Picture One: Closest I could get a taking a picture of the beggining of the cola on skinny girl. My photography skills are horrible. They're are lots of white hairs every time I wake them up, the hairs seem to double each time.

Picture Two: The two girls.

Picture Three: Fat girls ass.

Picture Four: Lights off.

Picture Five: The girls.



Active Member
No I didn't even think of putting in perlite, I've just kept with the same miracle grow organic garden/potting mix. I've also been feeding the plants alot . I'm keeping it pretty simple being my first time.

But, I've got the room a/c blowing into a fan that is on the plants 12 hrs a day. I was thinking bout getting dry ice? suggestions?


Active Member
Ok, I'm doing two updates again: veg/clones and flowering.

This one is the vegetation.

Picture One: Two of the remaining original seedlings that I'm going to flower next. I'm pretty sure both are females.

Picture Two: My L.S.T'd plant that is looking good.

Picture Three: Two clones.

Picture Four: Another clone.

Picture Five: Showing the rooted clone before I plant it.

So far I have five clones of the fat girl, which we'll be in the next post flowering.



Active Member
Ok, So it's been three weeks of flowering and the two girls are looking great. They've grown huge, Skinny girl 44in and fat girl 39in.

I'm really horrible with camera's but I've tried to get some bud shots. They look alot better in person then with my camera skills.

Picture One: Both girls this morning when I woke them up.

Pictures Two and Three: Lower bud sites on Skinny Girl.

Picture Four: The forming cola on Skinny Girl. The hairs look red but they're all white, the red is from the light.

Picture Five: A blurry, but the best I could get, picture of Fat girl's forming cola.



Active Member
Just read your journal, things are looking great!!! I think for your first grow you have done outstanding. You have done your homework and asked lots of good questions. Keep up the good work, keep us updated and happy growing.


Active Member
Thanks for the support Shiman, I've been following your's for awhile and would gladly trade in my 4.5 ft plants for your 9 ft!

Ok some Updates since I haven't been on for two weeks:

All of my vegg'ed plants they I kept for seed ended up being female. I gave them to a growing buddy of mine as a going-away present. He is flowering them outdoors in Northern Colorado, so it'll be interesting how they turn out.

This update is of my vegetating plants:

Picture One: A super cropped clone.

Picture Two: Fat girl's clones from two days after rooting to 3 weeks old (the two day old clones are on the left, they are clones of clones, and just took root yesterday).

Picture Three: Clones of fat girl that I've been topping. I unfortunately did not do this for fat and skinny girl and they are l.s.t'd at four and a half feet.

Picture Four: A super cropped and l.s.t'ed prefemale plant that I've had for three monthes from seed. If you remember from way back, this girl was the largest, but suffered burns from a fallen cfl. She's recovered nicely, and was actually topped all around right before this picture. She's being flowered in a week or so along with my largest super cropped clone.

Oh yea, major update: I got sensei Skunk #1 seeds and WW x NYC Diesel. I'm sprouting them as soon as I get the space.