AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes


Well-Known Member
Ok so today is day 6 of 12/12, but day 1 of flower, found pistils on all 5 today :) Gonna water them tomorrow then give them their first feed of flower nutes the day after that.



Well-Known Member
Day 3 of flower, gave them their first blast of bloom feed, help those pistils pop out. They were starting to get a bit deficient, I think its time to end all the half strength feeding business, so I mixed up the nutes according to Cannas chart (5ml per L) and gave them a good blast. Theyre looking healthy and happy as far as I can tell now.

EDIT: Sorry about the shitty photo, dunno what was happening!



Well-Known Member
If you put a normal light in your cab a couple of mins before the lights go on you get better pic. So Ive been told, my pics are like yours.lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ill do something next time, I just dont like switching the HPS off, the 10min refire time is annoying and you have to wait 10 mins for it to hit max strength then. The pics still give a good idea about how they're coming on tho.


Active Member
Holy shit pal!! They are looking great! I really have to invest in some airpots for my next grow.

Can you get a pic just as lights are about to come on or just after they went off. Get to see a nice green colour then;-)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I killed the HPS for 10mins to take some pics.

Day 4 of flower (one the flash was too low, next a little too high but much better than with HPS on!):



Well-Known Member
Cheers for all the kind words, but the proof will be in how they flower out...so stay tuned for the bit of the grow thats actually exciting! :D

EDIT: Is it just my imagination, but since Iv started flowering them...have the leaves started getting thinner and thinner? More sativa like?


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of flower, sorry for the flicker, wasnt arsed switching off HPS and firing it up again to be honest. They took the last feeding of full strength Canna well, no sign of burn at all, and still green as fuck bar a few bottom leaves which are a lighter shade of green, hopefully should stop at that with the stronger feedings tho (and I stress a few, and its my purely fault for not upping feeding quicker, was paranoid going from organic to synthetic).

Lots of future budsites starting to form quite obviously in the pics now, excitement starting again, love this part!



Well-Known Member
Couldn't justify it man,just using Terra Vega,Terra Flores and I got a small bottle of the PK13/14 to try too.
It looks like I am running about the same growth schedule as you. I beleive my girls are jelly bean and lemonade,I started from seed and I pre vedged in a tent for 3 weeks now they are under the 1000 w HPS using cana in a DWC 60 gallon system my question is , sence I started the seeds on 4/28/11 and moved into the big room 2 weeks ago,If I go 2 more weeks in veg, then switch to 12/12 how much more height will I get at that point. I expected much more height by now, but with the few shocky days and nut. lockout from res. heat, I am only 8" tall yet very bushy today. My grow chamber is 8'x8'x7' and was hoping for at least 3.5' to 4' plants whaat do you think.
I just bought the 250l for €32!! Only second time growing so we shall see, messed up the last time and the stuff tasted like shit, was smoking it after 4 -5 days. Got a 600w tent set up but only doing 2 plants. 2 weeks into veg, going to give it one more and then switch to 12-12


Well-Known Member
From what Iv seen they double in size when you knock them onto 12/12.
Pic from Day 8 of flower (today), flicked off the HPS so sorry about shitty flash:

EDIT: The yellowing thats happening, its strange, at the top of the plant it seems they've too much N, but at the bottom its showing N def...is it because Iv been a little slow on the waterings? I think I need to give them a larger quantity, more often. Basically will a plant drop its bottom leaves if its underwatered? Cos I cant see any other reason cos they dont seem deficient. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I loved the AK48...but boy do they stink especially those last few weeks of flower my god.....lol


Well-Known Member
They stank in veg man, it was pretty strong! Now its kinda died off a bit, but Im expecting it to just "come on" again soon.


Well-Known Member
just joining the ride. i just finished harvesting ak48 about two weeks ago,grew it in a dwc setup. I had a monster. i harvested a little over 8oz, but then again i veg for a little over two months and i lst'ed her with 10 major colas. anyhow i enjoy the high that ak48 gives but unfortunately the taste is not all that so far. im curing her for a very long time and see if it makes any difference. one thing i liked about the ak was that during flowering i didnt smell shit coming out of my setup, and i would keep it open all day and not even one scent, and also ak48 is very mould resistant, @ one point my ro was @ 88% for weeks during lights off. and not even one sign of mould.

btw what kind of soil are you using? is it a mix or straight out of the bag?

also those airpots are the best thing out there. currently i have three 3gallon and one 2gallon and im loving them, the growth is amazing, the roots are the strongest ive ever seen in pots.