AK-48, Top44, Shiva Hydro Grow under 400W HPS and Flouro.


Well-Known Member
okay cool, right now i got three germinated seeds in rockwool, just soaked in some water, should they be in light or darkness?


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i am having troubles lol, my gf only grows in soil, she seems to be doing a lot better then me lmao


Well-Known Member
today i notice little nubs on the tips of the nodes, so i should have some branches sooon to clone, yay lol


Well-Known Member
soil is so easy... but i find that if you know how to do hydro its alot faster and produces more


Well-Known Member
sweet, i cant wait to have some flowering plants of my own lol =P i've got an individual DWC 5gal buckets =D system for them


Well-Known Member
and do these cooltubes or the cooled reflectors just hook up to a reg. HPS bulb and reg wired or digital ballast?


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the 2nd question but the keep the seedlings under a light as soon as they pop... and you can keep the fluorescents a few inches above the plants as long as it doesnt burn your hands... if it burns your hands raise it a few inches..


Well-Known Member
okay thanks, well they are lookin good, and should be poppin up soon, hopefully by early morning =D or later this afternoon


Well-Known Member
one of my new babies popped up, the other two look about to pop any second now lol, seem to be doing really well, im going to germinate more top44's, ak-48's and shiva's =D maybe 2 of each.


Well-Known Member
they are all sprouted up now, they have been for awhile, one (the one that sprouted first) is opening and it has little second leafs nubs inside lol so tiny.
( it is a Aurora Indica and the other two are Top44)


Well-Known Member
try covering the rock wool up bro it'll mildew and get all nasty and stuff lol, but your plants look nice, check out how big my aurora indicas got


Well-Known Member
nice mann your babies look amazing mann, my little AI looks just like yours in your journal, your first pics lol. thats what mine is like now, on day 2