AK47,Blueberry,Blue Cheese,Super silver haze 600w 12/12 from seed. 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
im high just wondering around.. i dont have anything to say but since im passing by i thought i'd say .. i dont kno. excuse me while im hihg. good luckkkk !


Well-Known Member

not sure how long theyve been going, i think about 6 weeks. 2 weeks veg and 4 flowering but still not showing sex.

yer was really disappointed, it was the strain i was most lookin forward to.

nice pic in ur sig

aw! =(

thanks yes i love that pic as well


Well-Known Member
heres some pics for ppl who are still watching.

ive not been updating alot because im really busy.

the blue cheese is flowering and has started to grow a tiny amount of bud. the blueberry has the white hairs but no further signs from that and the ssh just keeps growing! it hasnt shown any hairs yet.

i will try and update abit more now that they are starting to bud.

their roots also seems to be growing really fast for what they are. i dont have any bigger pots so there gonna have to stay in these 1s till finish.

im also abit worried that i didnt top them. it seems the blue cheese will have trouble getting light to the lower part of the plant. i may top my ssh.



Well-Known Member

ssh is 1st, blueberry 3rd and blue cheese 4th.

i topped the shh but it has slown growth, hopefully she'll pick up again with more branches and buds.

they all have slight nute burn so im gonna half my nutes when i feed tonight to 5ml instead of 10.


Well-Known Member
lol no no, i was refering to those ones that green leaf was commenting on.

they have really grown now though. blueberry and blue cheese are flowering. ssh still seems to be going really big, but no white hairs. the blue cheese has the biggest flowers.

i fed last night. will try post pics 2night or 2morro.


Well-Known Member
oh! lol cool cool man!
i bet they are smellin niiice
erm no they dont really smell at the moment... well, they do but not noticeable.

last grow i did, i used to go an do some stuff with my plants and when i came out of the room, my gf asked if i had smoked one..... the smell was just on my clothes and in my hair,lol.

ill be postin pics 2night or 2morro.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to say they look streched hard lol ...i was trying to advise u before but u posted an moany bitchy comment so here's one back

i dont know what your doing to your plants but your first grow @ 14days was tiny
and a 2weeks the one's my mate has ( which i will take pics off ) already smells quite alot and one that he had left in a smaller pot which stumped its growth and is 5days behinmd the others smells already more than the two @ 2weeks

duno why u gota be a complete arsehole

all i said was my mate uses 1x 250cfl and his are huge...@ 2weeks

i was guna try advise u but obviosly u dont need it with grows like this....


Well-Known Member

my plants are doing fine, i dont think they are streched. the ssh is just big. they were streched at the start but have sorted it out now.... i used cfls last time. yes they are good for veg but not enough for flowering.

the only reason my plants are slow growth is because i did a couple weeks veg with a hps and the cold weather isnt helping.

the buds are growing nicely now though.

i really dunno why ur saying that...

edit: and on both of my grows they smelt alot...


Well-Known Member
oh yer, i will upload pics soon. been busy.

the ssh still hasnt got any white hairs (or ball sacks) showing. it should be a female coz it was a fem seed. but still no signs on it. its getting huge without showing sex. it could be a real monster.

check back soon


Well-Known Member
blue cheese and blueberry are flowering and i am seeing some buds growing nicely. shh still isnt flowerin :s no idea whats going on, it seems to still be in veg and just growing without any signs of sex.

1st is ssh
2nd is blue cheese at the front and blueberry at the back
3rd is blue cheese top cola
4th is blueberry top cola
5th is a new plant that germinated few days ago. just some bag seed.
6th is middle part of blueberry, was trying to show the white hairs but dont think it came out that well.

i dropped my feeding amount as well. using half a gal with 1 tspoon of molasses and 5ml of canna flores nutes (was using 10ml) and they dont seem to have any nute burn now so ill just work my way up.



Well-Known Member
wow the blue cheese and blueberry are really comin along!

nice colas so far =)
ya think? im not sure how many days/weeks there at. but yer they have started out nice. hopefully finish with some nice nugs.

nice avatar btw. u have big boobs :mrgreen::mrgreen::hump::hump::blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya think? im not sure how many days/weeks there at. but yer they have started out nice. hopefully finish with some nice nugs.

nice avatar btw. u have big boobs :mrgreen::mrgreen::hump::hump::blsmoke::blsmoke:

yea they are doin nicely!! and you definatley get some bomb budz!

oh looks can be decieving cuz they arent big at all!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
maybe u got some tissue down there? lol i can tell from ur sig picture how big they are. but the avatar one looks better.