ak47 yellowing 21days flower(pics)


Active Member
anybody know what this could be it went pale green at about 19 days,a couple of other plants have gone the same way but they are only two weeks away from harvest so not to worried but this is puzzling me its never happend before and i havent changed anything any ideas?
canna terra_flores
canna boost
ph 6
also have pk13/14 but havent used it yet should i??



Well-Known Member
Your ph needs to be a bit higher, 6.5-7.0. With the ph at 6.0 the plants are having a hard time using some basic elements. P, cal, and mag are being locked out so they are defienciant in these 3 elements.

Look at the ph chart attached.

You can remedy the ph to 7.0 with some dolomite lime. If you use the dry lime mix it into the top 4-5 inches of your soil then give a good watering. There is also hydrated dolomite lime and that works too.

Once your ph is up to 7.0 then you can start using your pk, which is a bloom booster. At 21 days into flowering they are'nt even close to being done, continue to feed them the canna flower series.


Active Member
just used a ph meter instead of the paper method and its 6.5/7 so its not that what should i do flush or give some pk 13/14?


Well-Known Member
just used a ph meter instead of the paper method and its 6.5/7 so its not that what should i do flush or give some pk 13/14?
● When growing intensively, feed the plant regularly with the solution When growing in less fertile soil, use the solution daily Use solution 1 to 3 times a week when using a fertile soil
***Got this right off their web site^^^^^

The npk for Canna Terra is 2-2-4, they say to feed this to your plants everytime you water. Perhaps the soil you are using has been leeched of the elements throughtout the vegging stage of the plants, so you may have to use the food everytime you water now. Use it at the full reccomended amount and add the pk as well. This should get your plants back on track. Once you go to this way of feeding you will see the deficiencies go away. You do not need to flush, just feed em more.


Active Member
decided to water with pk13/14 hopefully that will sort them out ,have been giving them nutes every watering i may have fed it something by mistake its difficult with so many different feedings,trying to get a perpetual grow going with ak47,ww,blue mystic+ww :peace:


Well-Known Member
I dunno bro, you should listen to Brasmith on this one. He is usually dead on.

Smokey thank you so much for this compliment, made my day today. You know, Smokey, you are always dead on aswell:hug:. I think we just use different words, but we both are always onto the same diagnosis and treatment.

It's fun workin with ya:peace: