Al B Fuct U Helped With These

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
What lights do you think i should bye. what lights for the clonebox and more lights for the veg right so what your saying is the hut im using now is gonna be for flowerin correct?

so im gonna need 2 more rooms? 3 total?
Yes- 3 total- but the veg area and the clonebox certainly don't need to be "rooms"- they can be much smaller than the flowering tent.

Yes- the tent you are using now will be your flowering area.

You'll need one small area (suiting 2-3 plants) with its own light for vegging, on 18-24 hours/day. Could be a few CFs, perhaps 3-4 of them, big as you can buy.

You'll also need a clonebox. Clones need a bit more humidity than the mums and also need to sit on a heat mat, so it's best for them to have their own box so you can control their environment to their tastes. I use regular 24", 18 watt fluoros in my clonebox (I use 3 twin-tube fixtures), but you can use CFs there as well.

With me so far? :)

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Here is my closet what would you do would you put the clone box in this corner or the veg?
You could get rid of the little table and put a clonebox there. The mother veg area could go on top of the clonebox. The mother veg area should have at least 3' vertical space to allow for mother plant growth.

HOW WOULD THIS SPACE BE TOO any good for clone or veg what would ur opinion be

would you put the clone by the original tent or the veg

Take the shelf out of this space and it will make a very fine clonebox. :)

You will have to fit a fan through the back wall of this cabinet to remove heat from the lights. A 4" computer fan will do. Mount it up high as heat rises. Cut another 4" dia (or about 4" square) hole near the floor in the back to allow air in.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
The cabinet looks like it's right next to your bed... probably not the best place for a fan which runs constantly.

Think about making up a plywood box or locate an appropriately sized discarded shipping container which you can put in the closet, on the floor next to the flowering tent.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
You sent this via PM, but it's good info for anyone.

mosberg911 said:
ok my ppm meter is all calibrated now my res is showing 490ppm i started at 400ppm why the 90ppm rise is that normal i have been topping with fresh distilled water how long should i just leave it until i clean my res

when i do clean my res and add the new nutes i have to add more of the gro right? Isnt that how it works you add more of one then at the end you add more of the other?
Can't really explain that small wandering in ppm- and it is a very small variation. Wouldn't worry.

Could be coming from residual minerals in the water you are using. If you're using tap water, the water will evaporate but any minerals in it will stay behind. As you top up with more tap water, you add more minerals. After several topups, you can wind up with quite a concentration of dissolved minerals in the solution. Dissolved minerals increase the electrical conductivity of the water, causing a rise in your ppm reading.

However, you say you are using distilled water, which should not have any minerals at all. Your ppm meter should read zero in distilled water. If it does not- there's minerals in the stuff. It may not be as distilled as you have been led to believe!

This is why it's necessary to dump and replace nutrient solutions about every 2 weeks. Gives you an opportunity to clean and sterilise the tank as well.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
mosberg911 said:
so pretty much if i used fem seeds from the beginning i woudnt have to sex right?
Even 'feminised' seeds are not a 100% sure thing for getting a female plant. They run at about 60-80% female, better than the usual 50%, but by no means a certainty.

The only way to get female copies EVERY time is to take cuttings from an already known to be female plant!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
It is convenient at this point to discuss why it's so much better to grow from clones than seed.

As you are finding, germinating seeds and growing to sexual maturity is both time consuming and you can't be sure of the gender you'll get. It takes about 4-6 wks from germination to get a sexually mature plant of known gender, ready for cuttings.

However, once you have the mother plants established, in 7-10 days, you can have known female clones ready to be flowered.

Yes, the setup phase is a bit of work, but once you have your clonebox and little mother veg area going, it's a lot more cruisy.


Well-Known Member
ok im with you but i think im gonna use the space in the closet for both clone on bottom and veg ontop is that cool?

Can i use that space on the closet to do both?
how would you go about doing that?


Well-Known Member
Ok Al you have me thinking today Thank you so much for helping me out im thinking of bulding a box with plywood and 2x4 and it will be split level do you think that would work i have a diagram in the pics and a 4 inch duct fan already
Im gonna build it this weekend i can put clones on the bottom and veg ontop what do you think of that?

Also can i buy the lights at home depot?
what other materials do you think i will need?


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
mosberg, you been over on GC stirring a bit of shit, eh? :lol:

Oh, you bad kid. *hahahahhahah*

I just looked over GC... and it does have more users, but I wouldn't say that the average quality of posting is better than rollitup. A real flood of indians with not enough chiefs over on GC.


Well-Known Member
thanks Al B here are the new pics

- Al i put most of them in small pots and dug them into the system now i dont think the rockwool will get that soaked when i flood i have only been flooding once a day and did not flood at all yasterday and have not yet today im waiting for you to look at the pics i only have them on 400 then it bumped up to 550ppm but i never added nuts it bumped up by itself only watering once a day so its hard for me to believe its nutes or watering take a look at the leaf and you can maybe tell
Pic 1 ----- them in pots so they dont get soaked
pic 2 ----- one of the white widow leaves
pic 3 ----- the plant with the leave in pic 2

The big buds is the one with the crazy leaves but you said that was normal al right?


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
All the new growth looks OK. Pic 2 leaf looks like it has had nutrient solution dribbled on it. You're handwatering, so that's not unexpected. All new growth is looking fine, so don't worry.

Once you have transplanted all the plants into netpots, you can remove all the clay pellets filling the big black tub, those surrounding the pots at present.

We'll talk about bumping the nutes up once you have everyone in netpots and they have gotten over any potential transplant shock. If you flood the pellets before trying to transplant, the roots will loosen more easily, preventing damage.

The Big Bud looks fine. Crooked baby teeth. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok what do you mean take all the hydroton out can you explain that better

thats all the pots i have i was gonna keep all the other ones dug into the hydroton why should i take away all the stuff in the tub


Active Member
mosberg, you been over on GC stirring a bit of shit, eh? :lol:

Oh, you bad kid. *hahahahhahah*

I just looked over GC... and it does have more users, but I wouldn't say that the average quality of posting is better than rollitup. A real flood of indians with not enough chiefs over on GC.
HIGH All, mmmmmm why put a site down People....I`m a member on every site that has to do with what we All Love to grow. Hate (I know it`s a strong word) All you want my Friends.

Tsk Tsk....Believe it or not...we are All part of this Big`s called Marijuana no hate coming from here....just ((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))).

Have a Great Weekend All.


Well-Known Member
ok Al 18 days i put 20ml 20ml 20ml and it came out to be 650ppm so im bumping it up a little at a time, you tell me when you think i should bump again Here are the pics all new growth looks healthy

I put them in pots the water only has to touch the roots right>? My roots soak for about a minute once a day for now and they seem to be doin ok i guess

