alaskan ice lst 16 day veg PICS

here it is...first lst grow ak ice..400 watt hortilux enhanced super spectrum in fox farms ocean forest...thie only thing i give this plant is super thrive..the soil it is in so already enriched in nutrients...i will start nutrients first week of flowering..i have big bloom and tiger bloom let me know what u guys thinks:peace:



Well-Known Member
I have 1 alaskan ice female and it seems like it wants to be an outdoor plant. It's been subjected to basically the same elements as the others, but it wants to stretch a little too much for my area. I've heard that several people have this same problem with AI. The plant in your picture is much more compact and full than the pheno that I have. I'm pretty sure that it's not stretching for light because at any point in it's life the light has never been further away than maybe 8". The temp. is always between 79 on cycle, and 66 off cycle. The distance between nodes on the red dragon and the amnesia are about a inch or a little less. They're 2 to 3" on the AI. It seems like it's just wasting space indoors. I plan on trying the rest of my AI beans outdoors.