alcohol takes the paranoia away..


Well-Known Member
been smoking weed everyday for years.. now I have been drinking and mixing the two.. its a much more powerful high and I dont get the bad thoughts I usually did with just bud alone.. my body has goten used to the two mixed together and its lovely... I used to get sick as a dog!! start drinking with your bud if your getting anxious.


Active Member
TRUE. but i just like to get tipsy. fullout drunk and high is a little too much for just chillen by yourself


Well-Known Member
I've smoked bud all my life and I've never gotten paranoia from it... don't know why lol, if anything it removes almost every fear I have.....


Well-Known Member
when i drink and smoke it tends to make me angry,very angry. actually, drinking by itself does too. I get in such a bad mood when i drink and smoke that i never get when just smoking. lol. I dont get violent or nothing its just that everyone and everything piss me off.


Well-Known Member
When I get drunk and smoke I get the spins thus eventually getting sick.I dont like it one bit.


Active Member
The two almost need each other..I prefer the two together but live easier and healthier just smokin the green.


Alcohol makes most people (that I know) feel invincible. I also watched a documentary and this woman smoked pot and drove on a course (she wasnt a stoner) and she was going extremely slow and was paranoid about the whole thing. They gave her alcohol the second time and she went fast as fuck and was fearless.