Algae problem!! Solutions? or throw them away?


Well-Known Member
I have 16 plants in an aero tub. I have a severe case of algae growing on top of the rockwool. The roots still look okay. They are only two weeks old and I have had some crazy resevoir temps, up to 85 degrees at one point!!!! I know I fucked up!! I am simply tranfsfering them all to soil and seeing what happens. Anyone have any other suggestions???


New Member
why are you trasnfering them to soil :s

just know whats what

light + nutrient + water = algae

take any one of these away and algae don't do so good,

the medium is going to neeed nutrients and water but the medium doesn't need light, so find a way of stopping light from hitting the medium


Well-Known Member
you can make a cover by cutting some white cardboard to the shape you need. Put a hole in the center and a slit to the hole. Slip it around the stem and down to the rockwool. You will stop the algae in no time.


Well-Known Member
I use foam disposable plates from the grocery store. They are easy to cut and slip around the stalk. They also reflect light back up and can be removed and replaced easily. Cardboard will rot, styrofoam wont.


Well-Known Member
I use foam disposable plates from the grocery store. They are easy to cut and slip around the stalk. They also reflect light back up and can be removed and replaced easily. Cardboard will rot, styrofoam wont.
I use the waxy kind of cardboard and is works but wow your idea is way better thanks. Why didnt I think of that?