All I want for Christmas IS SOME ADVICE !!


Active Member
Hello all. I have some Purple Kush seedlings on the go and one is concerning me. Please have a look at the photo's and offer any advice relative to what you may think is going on...
Planted, December 12th, Broke ground December 13th, Transplanted into 2 Gallon pots on December 23rd. Since planting nothing but PH's water and sitting under 6 X 26W Cfl's. Temps average 78 degrees with a high of 84 and a low of about 74.
Notice the first set of leaves beginning to yellow? Cotyledons are yellow and about to fall off. No nutes to date.
Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions and sorry for the shitty photo's.
Happy Holidaze



Well-Known Member
lol its normal for the first set 2 fall off man. dont fret thoes, but pit is right, a lil food should do them wonders. for 2 weeks old there rly small. should be around 4/8 inchs by now.


Well-Known Member
they dont need all that soil for one you could have left them in party cups for a while ..because when you water your soil i would only water in the center and around a little , i wouldnt water the whole pot because your plants roots are now using that much water and are probably getting over watered ..(you get what im saying ?) if not let me know i could probably word it a little better later im kinda stoned right now lol


Well-Known Member
Pretty small yet and not perky like they should be, raise the light if it is too close and hows the watering? Small babies should mostly do good cause they are really fighting check what you are doing.


I had a similar problem with my first PC box grow attempt. I think raising the lights an inch or two, investigating your watering regiment (overwatering/underwatering) and giving them a really diluted dose of nutes might perk them up. Also, if you are lucky enough to live in a place that gets sun this time of year, try putting them out in the noonday sunlight for a few hours.

Oh, btw, what soil are you using?


Active Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I raised the lights a couple of inches and I can see overnight that they have stretched a little so that tells me that the transplant went OK. The reason I transplanted was that when I checked, the root ball in the small pots was quite significant. When I transplanted, I watered JUST A LITTLE to settle things. THe soil I am using is your basic organic soil with Bat guano and worm castings. No slow release nutes at all. I think I will take everyone's advice and start to feed just a little. Only problem is there is only ONE shop where I live that sells Nutes and they are closed for a few days because of the holiday. Is there anything else that I may already have in my house that I can give them as a substitute??
Thanks again everyone for the input and if anyone else has some advice, I am all ears.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I raised the lights a couple of inches and I can see overnight that they have stretched a little so that tells me that the transplant went OK. The reason I transplanted was that when I checked, the root ball in the small pots was quite significant. When I transplanted, I watered JUST A LITTLE to settle things. THe soil I am using is your basic organic soil with Bat guano and worm castings. No slow release nutes at all. I think I will take everyone's advice and start to feed just a little. Only problem is there is only ONE shop where I live that sells Nutes and they are closed for a few days because of the holiday. Is there anything else that I may already have in my house that I can give them as a substitute??
Thanks again everyone for the input and if anyone else has some advice, I am all ears.
The plant looks healthy, dont rush off to do something to change that. Wait a few days and get the right stuff...


Active Member
The plant looks healthy, dont rush off to do something to change that. Wait a few days and get the right stuff...
Thanks NLXSK1, I won't make any hasty decisions, My other Babies look great and I won't want to mess that up. Perhaps I should post a few shots of all of them right now?
Happy Holidaze !


Active Member
KILL IT ITS A HERMI!!!! J/K!! its probably over or under watering its roots arent reaching very far for water right now so as the roots develop it should improve. i wouldnt add nutes for another week or 2. Start light and increase over time as they adjust