All My Pictures!!!


Weed Modifier
nope if I could have found some I would have tried.. next year I guess. probably have to go to an asian garden shop or order online..

hey fab you a computer gooroo. how do I get my pics to show up large in the post?
double click on pic,in advanced post, after you insert inline ;) then choose size from pop up window
nice peppers bro


Well-Known Member
Well just wanted to put up some pics of My Girls, and give them the attention, that I feel they Deserve! I have a strong passion for growing and just love taking pics of them. I will be posting at least one picture a day and depending on how the thread goes, will determine how many pics get posted as the thread moves along.

:leaf:Please feel free to post some of your favorite pics,that you have grown, any stage of growth is welcome here, doesn't just have to be Buds, can be, veg or even seedlings too! :leaf:

If you like any of the pics posted please hit the Like button, or you can add to Reputation ( sheriff star beside Journal this Post) ... if you feel that any of pics posted Deserve it, I know that I will. :mrgreen: So let's get this thread going and start posting those pics! ... I will start with "My Avatar"

:peace:View attachment 1990066
damn youve came allong way since you were asking if that plant you topped the 1st set of leaves on will live did it ever live lol?


Active Member
very nice quality pics logges thanks for sharing +rep...feel free to post more if you got em ;)

pic are always allowed/welcome here lol

i really like the bee one :)
that bee is actually getting pollen from a tree called Ulmo, which is famous mostly for the honey the bees produce when those trees are around. That honey is seriously delicious.
let the rep spread!