All this space not to go to waste


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere else,that if you put something white behind your plants,when taking pics and,you have or use a macro option on your cam it makes the cam focus more on your plant and not so much the background . i had the same problem and im at the same stage of flower your at and im just as antsy as you but remember ....patience. sounds like im babbling but gl w your grow


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere else,that if you put something white behind your plants,when taking pics and,you have or use a macro option on your cam it makes the cam focus more on your plant and not so much the background . i had the same problem and im at the same stage of flower your at and im just as antsy as you but remember ....patience. sounds like im babbling but gl w your grow
Tkufos thanks for stopping by on the grow! And good looking out on the picture thing... I was wondering why they were not coming out like some of the other people's pictures on the site. And for sure on the patience thing.. but like you said we get so antsy like come on bud already lol! Anyway thanks again for the help hope you stick around to see the final product :bigjoint: We should both be chopping down our ladies at around the same time! Thats pretty exciting!

I dont think you can tell the sex of those yet wait a few more days you will be able to tell heres a pic of a male i got
Handlebars thanks for dropping by on my first grow much appricated. And thank you for probably one of the best male plant pictures i have yet to see. Will for sure be able to tell if any of ours are males! thanks a ton be sure to stick around and see what happens!!

~cheers~ :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah man i will def. be checkin in on this . if i knew how to start a journal, it would make it easier to check my shtuff out ,i looked at mine this morning and i def have 1 fem outta 9 and 1 that im very nervous about .


Well-Known Member
alright here's an update. outta 8 plants got 2 for sure males, and maybe a third. Finally got the ph down to able 6.3 6.0 so i'm extremely happy bout that! here's some pics of them today along with the ones in veg... Enjoy :bigjoint:

males =( CIMG0004.jpgCIMG0009.jpg

couple of the beautiful ladies CIMG0013.jpgCIMG0022.jpg

lil ones in veg CIMG0002.jpg

and my fav looking one CIMG0018.jpg

Let me know what you all think so far!


Well-Known Member
well that third one that i was calling to be a male ended up being a male.. and also one other that seems to be slower then the others ended up being male =( so outta 8 i got 4 females.. Guess not to bad. I'm thinking of moving a few more from veg into flower to have a cycle ready after a couple weeks of this one. new pics to come soon..


Well-Known Member
yea it sucks, but hey what are we to do... like you said at least the others are ladies! and theres a bunch ready to go into flower whenever!


Well-Known Member
So here's a quick lil update on whats going on.. So its for sure that outta 8 i got 4 females... Not to bad i guess lol... We're on day 16 of flower for the 4.. and moved in 8 more new ones today. so total of 12 in the flower room now. I'm trying to get a cycle going so every 2-3 weeks i'll harvest. Sorry bout not having any pics up.. but camera took a shit.. will for sure have pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yea go Obama! thats the shit!! The people have spoken loud and clear! Btw plants are looking really nice.. can't wait! =)


Well-Known Member
alright after days of searching i finally found a camera that took some decent pictures. Saturday will be 3weeks into flowering for the biggest 4 you see, and 1 week for the 8 little ones. Took some pictures of some that are still left in veg.. And also of the flowering room in action. As soon as i get my hands on a better camera i'll take some close ups of the buds. There are so many bud sites forming on the big ones its kinda crazy lol. Anyway here's the pics.

First the veg
PICT0011.jpg PICT0030.jpg

Here's the 4 big ones!
PICT0019.jpg PICT0020.jpg PICT0022.jpg

And here's the flower room in action =)
PICT0012.jpg PICT0029.jpg

Again sorry for the not so good pics, but all i can take at the moment. And hopefully next time it won't be so longbetween pictures :weed::weed:

~Buddy J~