Alprazolam Xanax ordering??


Well-Known Member
this has nothing to do with growing pot so buzz off.....also just a fyi the sites online offering drugs like that have a HUGE chance of being knockoffs with little to no strength...sometimes they send you vitamins even


bud bootlegger
this has nothing to do with growing pot so buzz off.....also just a fyi the sites online offering drugs like that have a HUGE chance of being knockoffs with little to no strength...sometimes they send you vitamins even
dude, no offense, but do you realize what section of the site that you're on atm?? it's the Hallucinatory Substances section, ie, everything but weed...
why on earth are potheads so dead set against anything but pot?? do you realize this is how most of the world looks at pot as well.. ???

anyhoo's, back to the op, yah, i have known a few people who have ordered zannies online and got what they paid for.. sorry, but that is all the info i really know about it...


Well-Known Member
im not against it taking downers its fun every once in a i dont need them for anything in particular..i dont think most of the world dead set against pot tho! and my bad for the unwaranted dick comment all i had seen at the top was "in the grow room" which i didnt think would have a category not about growing...


bud bootlegger
im not against it taking downers its fun every once in a i dont need them for anything in particular..i dont think most of the world dead set against pot tho! and my bad for the unwaranted dick comment all i had seen at the top was "in the grow room" which i didnt think would have a category not about growing...
take a look at your comment before you call mine a dick comment ffs.. i was quite nice, and was simply pointing out that you're telling someone to only talk about weed on the one section of the site not meant for weed..


Well after i posted this i ended up speeking with my doctor and he thinks i do actally need a xanax perscription, (althogh i dont(i think)need it but hell why not have the perscription) so i ended with a getting 20 .25mg little white footballs...... they suck...but, ohwell legal and 47cents at CVS... hopeflly ill get it upd to a full bar one day..


Active Member
aw man there so much binders and fillers in the .25, i can actually feel my brain breaking it down when i take them, still free benzoooos