already flowering


Active Member
I have a romulan plant that is already starting to go into flower.None of my others are doing this.Is this normal or is something wrong.Usually they begin to flower around the end of july in my area


Well-Known Member
i dont understand why people keep acting like their plant flowering is a bad thing. i put 2 plants out a week ago, they've both grown almost a foot since and one has some pistils now. not at all worried about it.


if you started from clone, they probably were under 24 hours of light then you put them outdoors w/ 15 hours. triggering flowers. some varieties come back some grow into short mutant bushes, i think the indicas need a gradual transition. try boosting / high nitrogen bat guano.


Active Member
Im in central cali.I put the plants out in the middle of may to prevent early flowering.Im using age old grow,kelp,gh vegan compost tea,and calmag.The good thing is only that plant is flowering the others are still growing rapidly.Hopefully i can get decent weight.Its only about 26in due to me tying her down,she is pretty dam wide tho.