Alright someone tell me what the hell this is!!


Well-Known Member
About a week ago, this little plant sprouted next to my plant, and its really interesting.. like it is superr frosty.. i dont think its a marijuana plant. idk tell me what you guys think



Active Member
Looks exactly like a fresh marijuana sproutling. I can't see what other plant would be growing for you. How it got there? *shrug*

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
looks kinda like a tomato....idk about all those lil bumps tho....if it was marijuana the first 2 would be round but the next 2 should turn serrated


Active Member
Watch it turn out to be some new monster genetically altered marijuana plant that grows like a regular plant for stealth :D


Well-Known Member
looks like you got a bad batch of soil...weed seed in it but the not the good weed unfortunately


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the hell that is... but it does look fuckin cool, weed, fruit, or flower transplant that bitch throw it outside and see what happens... at least that's what I'd do.. good luck :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It does look like a marijuana plant, just without serrated leaves. It's definitely not a tomato plants and neither any other vegetable I've seen, but I haven't seen that many.

You could take it out of that pot and keep growing it just to see what the hell is that. Or you could ask in a gardening forum, maybe somebody else can identify it.


Well-Known Member
It does look like a marijuana plant, just without serrated leaves. It's definitely not a tomato plants and neither any other vegetable I've seen, but I haven't seen that many.

You could take it out of that pot and keep growing it just to see what the hell is that. Or you could ask in a gardening forum, maybe somebody else can identify it.
haha i know im going to once i transplant my other plant outside. I think it would be fuckin awesome if it was some weed genetically altered by thc or some shit haha cause it is sooooo crystally.

bill johnson

haha i know im going to once i transplant my other plant outside. I think it would be fuckin awesome if it was some weed genetically altered by thc or some shit haha cause it is sooooo crystally.
im pretty sure that is sage. look at a few pics of sage and compare...but Im pretty sure that is sage