Altering Light Timing During Flower


Active Member
Never had to do this before, but I need to change when my light is on and off during my flower cycle.

6 Bucket DWC
1000 watt HPS
35 days into flower.
And they are lookin purdy! :hump:

Currently my lights go on at 11am and off at 11 pm.
I need to change it up 2 hours. On at 1pm and off at 1am in the morning.

Whats the best way to go about this? I don't need to do it for about a month or so (my life schedule is changing)

I was thinking maybe change it by 10 or 15 minutes every couple days until I am am ahead by 2 hours?

Think it would be necessary to do it slowly?
Would just doing it all at once be better?
I could just change my timer before the light comes on in the morning to 1:00 after lunch.. and set the timer to go off at 1:00 after midnight.

would a full 2 hours twist in the timer cycle hurt anything? Or, should I do it gradually?

Thanks for any input...
Also if I did it all at once would it be better to do it in a month when needed? or just do it now.

Thanks peeps!