alternate vs opposite


This year I started some skunk plants from seed and I also bought some clones ( bubblegum and herijuana ) All the plants are doing great and receiving the same sun and nutrients . When I went to top the plants I noticed the skunk growth was opposite and the clones were alternate .I could not find info on any forum and I wonder what causes this? I have theories but would like to hear from the pros . Thanks in advance . I learn a lot from reading the forums .


Well-Known Member
Alternating nodes are a sign of the plants being mature since your clones are as old as the mother plant they were taken from they are more matured than the plants from seed if you veg the ones from seed long enough the nodes on them will be alternating


Thanks a lot . It does not seem topping the alternate growth will produce multiple tops but I wanted to check some out of control stretching and leaning towards the sun anyway .