Alternative magnesium source


Hello people. As the title says i need an alternative magnesium source for my plants. Preferebly one that could be sprayed on the leafs. I know about ebsom salt. but have not been able to get it in my area. Are there any other alternatives? Could i use for.human.use magnesium tablets? Or maybe for-human-use liquid magnesium? Do the plants absorb it? Any other ideas? Im thankfull for all and any help


No. They dont have it here any more. No shops in my area do. They only have magnesium for human consumption in different forms

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Tell them you want to soak your achey feet,and have them carry it for you.If they make a rda mag pill then I see no reason not to grind up one or two to dissolve in a gal of your nute solution.


Ursus marijanus
In a pinch, Epsom salt can be mail-ordered.
But I would not recommend spraying it on the leaves. Weed has an aggressive root system and fast ion transport; let nature do the work for you. Jmo. cn