Am I in the right size container....getting Ready for 12/12

Just was wondering..............I have some Blue Cheese in a 2.5 G plastic nursery container. They are a little over a month in veg and at about 16". I plan on starting 12/12 Dec 1st. Will that size container be adequate enough to finish out my grow??. I will add that they are in homemade super soil with a FFOF base and lots of perlite for drainage. Do I run the risk of getting root bound ?, root rot ?, Delay my flowering and transplant to bigger fabric pots?, OR just proceed as usual because everything is just fine right now and I would hate to disturb that..........Help Please !!!
Growing in a 4X4 tent...............


Active Member
IMO With a longer veg time you want to use bigger than that. IF I veg more than 2 weeks I will usually use 5 gallon to finish. But its all up to you really.....I am using 2-2.5 gal cheap ass pots and vegging clones for 2 weeks before flipping with no issues I know of. good luck.


New Member
you will need at least 5 gal pots.I never flower with anything less because root bound in the middle of flower is a punch in the face.also it dosnt matter how tall your plants is now its the genetics and when alternating nodes appear because your plant is not in flower until then.It could grow another foot b4 its even in actual flower even after you switch to 12/12.ive had plants hit my ceiling that stretched 4x before they stopped growing.they were only over a foot tall and ended up 7 foot! so its hard to say how high they will go and having a tent limits your height.definetly go for bigger pots bro as you want to give her all the room she needs to stretch out and make big dripping transfer then wait a week then switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
That seems borderline to me but you'll probably be OK as long as you don't get jack and the beanstalk like growth like the one guy did.
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From L to R: First three are my Barney's Blue Cheese. Next three my only Pakistan Valley. Last three are my Auto Sweet Tooth. I have the one "Runt" (rhymes with something else that gives me problems) but I'm going to let it go and see what happens,still looks healthy for being small. I had to start 12/12 today after discovering that some of my plants had started to show their sex already.........What Happened ?? When I set up my tent 10 days ago and moved my already growing plants into it the 600w HPS light ballast got moved to 50%. Thus less light from previous and you know what happens from their. No big deal re-set the timer to 12/12 and will start flower today !!.............What do you think ???