Am I the only one that stays up all night during harvest time?~


Well-Known Member
yup me 2 been going to bed at the earliest 5am so when i wake up its only a few hours till the lights come on haha


Well-Known Member
yea thats bogas as hell i would be hurt i have someone sleeping in a tent in my backyard all the time
thats the best way, i just stay up till about 5 or 6 every morning before the sun comes out guarding my forest.. I have a bad a$$ pitt and we walk the garden about 3 times an hour for deers and rippers:)


Sticky, I take it u got robbed by a Mexican or someone of hispanic ancestry? Thieves, evil people, robbers, etc come in many shapes and sizes; I myself (white) have been robbed at gunpoint by a black kid (18 or 19). I wouldn't put it past a white man or a mexican, or an asian, or any other nationality or gender (ya, females do bad things 2) to commit such a crime. Youths in general have little regard for people's personal belongings and lack the utmost important morals that society should abide by. As long as u keep what ur doing on the HUSH, u should be fine. The best crime committed is the one that was never known (loose lips sink ships). Rest easy at night and ur plants will grow better :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sticky, I take it u got robbed by a Mexican or someone of hispanic ancestry? Thieves, evil people, robbers, etc come in many shapes and sizes; I myself (white) have been robbed at gunpoint by a black kid (18 or 19). I wouldn't put it past a white man or a mexican, or an asian, or any other nationality or gender (ya, females do bad things 2) to commit such a crime. Youths in general have little regard for people's personal belongings and lack the utmost important morals that society should abide by. As long as u keep what ur doing on the HUSH, u should be fine. The best crime committed is the one that was never known (loose lips sink ships). Rest easy at night and ur plants will grow better :joint:

see the only reason why it would be a mexican is cause everyone i know is mexican. i used to gang bang when i was younger i know killers and big time ballers so even if you dont tell people what your doing which i dont. the people i used to know have ways to find out. like watch your lady drop the kid off at school and follow her. turn off your power and when you go outside to turn it on youll have a strap to your face get pistol whiped a couple times and tied up.


Well-Known Member
Put a camera up that can spin then your in action. I got four of those mothafuckas on everycorner of my house. I had a similar prob with people in my business so I moved like 15 miles now nobody knows where I live not even my closest friends. It's fucked up but sometimes you gotta do that to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Put a camera up that can spin then your in action. I got four of those mothafuckas on everycorner of my house. I had a similar prob with people in my business so I moved like 15 miles now nobody knows where I live not even my closest friends. It's fucked up but sometimes you gotta do that to be safe.
your exactly right and i kmnow how you feel. i dont even let my girls family know where i live and we have two kids together


Active Member
I thoguht thats why yall live in those legal avoid such things eh????
I WOULDNT THUNK UT WOULD BE Such a problem in a semi legal place, damn such greed in this world.....arent they about to totally legalize bud in CALI????
MY Conspiracy theory in cali is this
So legalize weed in a highly violent, ready to explode area and what happens??? PEOPLE CALM DOWN


Well-Known Member
I thoguht thats why yall live in those legal avoid such things eh????
I WOULDNT THUNK UT WOULD BE Such a problem in a semi legal place, damn such greed in this world.....arent they about to totally legalize bud in CALI????
MY Conspiracy theory in cali is this
So legalize weed in a highly violent, ready to explode area and what happens??? PEOPLE CALM DOWN
This is possible but we won't know for sure until November if Prop 19 does pass...


Active Member
damn I cant even get medical out east for my chronic stomach problems (I Swear that bud is the BEST Stomach medicine)
If I can get off this clinic I PLEDGE and PROMISE to move to CALI,


Active Member
ill plants by the way man Very nice. BTW its 2:30 am here, and Im constantly awake for the most of the night.


Well-Known Member
holy chit how much money are your bills or in debt?
I have 5,200 every crop in bills just for my grow house alone. then I got another 2000 for my wifes apt. and I am 10,000 in debt cause i got robed and set me back 2 months and had to borrow money. now that I harvest 1 room a month I will be making 14 grand a month minus my bills