amateur bong hits


Active Member
Unfortunately my dear friends I am now no longer able to pull pro hits from a blog*. Perhaps I have forfeited my capability to inhale copious amounts of smoke as an effect of three years of intensively chain smoking cigarrillos.

I'm also certain that taking too many pro hits has also weakened the capacity of my lungs. I've started to consider dropping the habit which, I think is the first step in quitting.

Oh my friends I am filled with excitement just thinking that my lungs could be soon on their way to a restoration!

A college professor told me that smoking tobacco would eventually lowering the amount of smoke I can inhale, and resin would start to cover the lungs (and turn them black) which could possibly block the full effect of THCs presence in the lungs.

I was already in a terrible furor when had heard this, but what really fucking pissed me off is that the problem will only progressive get worse as I continue to chain smoke.