Amazing indoor closet grow! Flowering - PICS


Well-Known Member
yeah i know. thats why im gunna start growing massive ammounts of Lowryder 2 plants.

cant get much better then autoflowering plants.

i hope to breed a plant that produces HUGE buds with a lowryder so the yeilds will be bigger.


Active Member
Ya i was growing some LR2s before but they all turned out male which was reallyyy wack. they were growing real nice too... Autoflowering plants are great and all but you dont get the sort of yeild you do with normal plants. But theyre really good for sea of green or if you wanna bring in a new harvest every 2 weeks because all the plants use the same amount of light no matter what stage theyre in. If you were to breed a cross between big bud x white widow x low ryder2 you would be a god...haha.


Well-Known Member
its possible and i will try.

i ahve some strains in mind. mostly small indicas.

i do plan on putting plants in rotation more less then every 2 more like every couple days. for a year i just want 1 constat harvest =]. lol


Active Member
whut kind of light did you put in your closet and did you water once a week ???cus thats whut i did and its sprouted and then it drooped over and died ..i atill havent grew 1 successfull plant i need help...some ppl has told me that i can put it in a wet rag and keep it moist but i havent tried it yet ....but i deffinately am i think it will work great as slong as i get a good light ...the light i have now is a flouresent plant growth bulb thinkin about trying the dresser out...i also tried the kitchen in front of the french doors were the sun beams in and it did the same thing with the drooping then dieing thing so i need some advice to go by ...=] plz


Active Member
i'm using a 400watt hps which seems like alot for just a closet but we've managed to keep the heat down by using good ventilation. We water every other day or every 3 day depending on how much water the plants suck up, we just check the soil moisture everyday. In this grow we planted 5 and one of them died because it came out of the soil too soon and wasnt prepared for the light, but we wouldnt have been able to keep all 5 anyways so its not a big deal. You just have to keep spraying the plants when you plant them and theyre starting to come out of the soil. Just dont over water or else you'll drown the roots or make the soil too hard for the plant be able to push through. I just watched mine very carefully and when i first germinated the seeds in wet paper towel i would let them grow a decent size root before i plants them. Also make sure the heat isnt too high when theyre sprouting or they'll dry out really quick and jsut die. Also make sure to have good ventilation because if the plants not getting sufficient fresh air its just gonna die. And as for putting it infront of a window i wouldnt suggest it, you just get alot of light stretching usually and then when you put it under an hps it'll just die. I've only used HPS lights and its always worked out, but having a MH is also good, especially for vegging. I just think you need a proper light dude...its worth the money if your actually serious about growing. And make sure to remember the simple things like proper soil, good fresh water (i dont go near tap water) with a proper pH, and all adds up in the end to make great plants.


Active Member
And to add onto the status of my plants the one which we thought was going to be the runt is now the biggest and bushiest of them all!! We've counted 12 budding spots already on just this one plant only 10 days into flowering, i think this ones gonna be a monster!