America's "gun problem"


Ursus marijanus
Evidence of permit system slowing them down...No, absolutely nothing. But I have miles of evidence that proves that all it does is force people to buy black market weapons which are a super high commodity.
In the gun-controlled urban areas, or in the rest of America as well?
I don't believe there is anything moral about taking another life. In my opinion, just because something is legal, does not mean its acceptable to do. Like legally defending yourself by shooting someone. Armed self defense only strokes the criminal element in my opinion.
I think it is wise to call that an opinion. I have seen armed self-defense stroke only very thoroughly noncriminal sorts.
The black market greatly aides the mass shootings. Its a place between a hard spot and rock imo.
I don't understand that last.

But if you want a black market, have a prohibition. That is an ancient and absolute formula.
It is my moral, philosophical and political belief that the Constitution was written with a loathing of prohibition as one of its keel beams.
I will not trust the police to be at hand in the instance of a criminal incursion into my home. Count on it that i will meet stupidity with an absence of sympathy and 200 grains of fast metal.
So we find ourselves at impasse. I could be insulted that you apparently value my well-being so dimly that you'd deny me the right to armed defense. But i am not, since I recognize in you the most interesting sort of gun-right opponent: you think about things, usually. So I still hold hope that i can convince you that the framers knew what they were on about when they codified our basic right to keep&bear arms.

We live among humans, and the worst of them are breathtakingly bad. Society and the police cannot guarantee my safety, so logically that duty falls to the individual. Despite myriad attempts, one cannot legislate human nature. So i ask you, which is the more profound human rights violation?

1) Me shooting someone who showed me clear violent intent
2) Me submitting to that violent intent because the one thing that would protect me has been ruled impermissible



Well-Known Member
Castle Doctrine regards people who had a clear alternative to do otherwise and still shot out of confusion of chaos. It is not a permit to shot people, like your implying. Prove the majority of state use that doctrine :) Literally, prove it. You have an opinion Red. FYI, we are not discussing ordinary cases man. Besides, you are supposed to be explaining to me how I and some other are liars that are pushing a agenda. I really need you to fill me in on this agenda deal to make sure I got my cards right. The Federal Government is THE JURISDICTION. I don't know what you don't get about the fact that ALL FEDERAL LAWS TRUMP STATE LAWS, INCLUDING LAWS OF FEKIN JURISDICTION. This is the last time I respond to you red...your fekin killin my brain man!
Why are we not talking "ordinary" cases?. Why am I "supposed" to explain to you your own actions? A Federal law that doesn't exits doesn't trump anything. Is "fekin killin" a brain a Federal offense?


King Tut
Evidence of permit system slowing them down...No, absolutely nothing. But I have miles of evidence that proves that all it does is force people to buy black market weapons which are a super high commodity.

I don't believe there is anything moral about taking another life. In my opinion, just because something is legal, does not mean its acceptable to do. Like legally defending yourself by shooting someone. Personally, after have taking human life, I would much rather be murdered than to murder. I don't believe its much better to give than receive. Thats a materialistic mindset. Armed self defense only strokes the criminal element in my opinion.

The black market greatly aides the mass shootings. Its a place between a hard spot and rock imo.
Fine. Be dead and morally do so. Someone comes into my home to harm my family, HE has thrown morals out the window.


Active Member
You stated falsehoods as facts. That is the definition of lying. The crowd you have joined are low-life's. I demeaned you because of your false statements, not your opinion.
Surprised you can type so well with DD's nuts in your mouth. As far as I am concerned and I'm sure many others, you are no intellectual superpower and should not act as so. F zimmerman what he did was flat ass wrong. I am just trying to support the use of firearms, and CCW for responsible citizens. It is real easy to call people liars and claim a false agenda for someone else when your on the internet. These things would not be so boldy said in person, I am just here to exchange views.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
In case your too fekin stupid to catch the haha I was adjusting his stance. You judge other ppl but yet want to be taken seriously....To me, you are a hypocrite and that is the = of someone with a bullet in his dome.
Did you read the posts about the castle doctrine in the US?


Active Member
Wait to go hero, now go somewhere your actually wanted in discussion. Walmart.

Oh so your the low-life judge that figures out who's who...Nice...Sounds like someone "Upper Echelon"
I think he is to dense to realize that we just disagree on Zimmerman and agree on the right to bear arms LOL.
In the gun-controlled urban areas, or in the rest bof America as well?
I think it is wise to call that an opinion. I have seen armed self-defense stroke sonly very thoroughly noncriminal sorts.

I don't understand that last.

But if you want a black market, have a prohibition. That is an ancient and absolute formula.
It is my moral, philosophical and political belief that the Constitution was written with a loathing of prohibition as one of its keel beams.
I will not trust the police to be at hand in the instance of a criminal incursion into my home. Count on it that i will meet stupidity with an absence of sympathy and 200 grains of fast metal.
So we find ourselves at impasse. I could be insulted that you apparently value my well-being so dimly that you'd deny me the right to armed defense. But i am not, since I recognize in you the most interesting sort of gun-right opponent: you think about things, usually. So I still hold hope that i can convince you that the framers knew what they were on about when they codified our basic right to keep&bear arms.

We live among humans, and the worst of them are breathtakingly bad. Society and the police cannot guarantee my safety, so logically that duty falls to the individual. Despite myriad attempts, one cannot legislate human nature. So i ask you, which is the more profound human rights violation?

1) Me shooting someone who showed me clear violent intent
2) Me submitting to that violent intent because the one thing that would protect me has been ruled impermissible

What I meant is that the black market gives the option to a mad man that has a record a place to score AR-15's etc. and go off a bunch of ppl. It aides the mass shootings.

Interesting questions canna....idk thats a hard call for anyone. I believe we live among human. Not bad ones, good ones, okay one...just humans. ....

I think if your life is measured by the confines of how well you turned out in me thats a sad or bad life :) I don't see good people, I don't see bad people, I see people. Im a human.

I think you have left your humanity when you start seeing others for anything other than a human. That also cast's the stone consequently on yourself. You can't call someone else a bad man, without first being one :)

I hold fast that the Founding Fathers knew best. But I believe we are greatly off course. This is not the founding fathers country anymore. Its a total different world, different game. Sadly, they are working there way to being irrelevant. We have gotten far off the beaten path.

I wouldn't deny anyone the right to defend themselves with firearms. Kinda stupid I would think in any situation. I don't think either of those are violations of human rights.

What I am saying is that you have the right to defend yourself with lethal force, with consequence. There has to be a system of checks n balances otherwise, everybody is off'ing everyone because they feel mortally threatened.


Well-Known Member
I give up on DD and Red.....Just oblivious to what we are all talking about. Again, another thread side jacked from two unfocused burnouts that just want to argue for the sake of being right. FOR THE LOVE OF FEKIN GOD YOU BOTH ARE ETERNALLY CORRECT!
Recognizing a lie when I see it wouldn't make me oblivious. Quite the opposite.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming one is mid 30s the other middle age And yes you nailed both of them very accuratly
Really? You trying to pretend you know us? And you and your sister UncleShitPants are the worst liar (note the singular) here. Tell us more about your adventures on Stormfront.


Well-Known Member
Evidence of permit system slowing them down...No, absolutely nothing. But I have miles of evidence that proves that all it does is force people to buy black market weapons which are a super high commodity. I don't believe there is anything moral about taking another life. In my opinion, just because something is legal, does not mean its acceptable to do. Like legally defending yourself by shooting someone. Personally, after have taking human life, I would much rather be murdered than to murder. I don't believe its much better to give than receive. Thats a materialistic mindset. Armed self defense only strokes the criminal element in my opinion. The black market greatly aides the mass shootings. Its a place between a hard spot and rock imo.
"I would much rather be murdered than to murder." Wow! Pretty sure you stand alone, there.


Well-Known Member
How does it feel to get backed into an dishonesty corner? Did you even realize that that happened to you? It would be sooooo much more satisfying to me if you realized how idiotic you acted. Are you still sharing your Constitutional brilliance with everyone?
Claiming victory where none exists. Lame

desert dude

Well-Known Member
How does it feel to get backed into an dishonesty corner? Did you even realize that that happened to you? It would be sooooo much more satisfying to me if you realized how idiotic you acted. Are you still sharing your Constitutional brilliance with everyone?
Aren't you just a self righteous little prig.

Did you go and read the declaration of independence? Do you still think the Brits would have pulled up stakes and skedaddled if we had just voted them off the continent?


Well-Known Member
Wait to go hero, now go somewhere your actually wanted in discussion. Walmart. Oh so your the low-life judge that figures out who's who...Nice...Sounds like someone "Upper Echelon"
Oh my! You want me to shut up? If you don't like it, you're free to leave. But you can't silence those you disagree with. I know you would if you could, but you can't. I have every right to correct those who post falsehoods. You don't like it? Tough shit.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Really? You trying to pretend you know us? And you and your sister UncleShitPants are the worst liar (note the singular) here. Tell us more about your adventures on Stormfront.

Baby shoes, I had you figured out from your first post today and I had never read your nonsense before.