America's "gun problem"


Ursus marijanus
What I meant is that the black market gives the option to a mad man that has a record a place to score AR-15's etc. and go off a bunch of ppl. It aides the mass shootings.

Interesting questions canna....idk thats a hard call for anyone. I believe we live among human. Not bad ones, good ones, okay one...just humans. ....

I think if your life is measured by the confines of how well you turned out in me thats a sad or bad life :) I don't see good people, I don't see bad people, I see people. Im a human.

I think you have left your humanity when you start seeing others for anything other than a human. That also cast's the stone consequently on yourself. You can't call someone else a bad man, without first being one :)

I hold fast that the Founding Fathers knew best. But I believe we are greatly off course. This is not the founding fathers country anymore. Its a total different world, different game. Sadly, they are working there way to being irrelevant. We have gotten far off the beaten path.

I wouldn't deny anyone the right to defend themselves with firearms. Kinda stupid I would think in any situation. I don't think either of those are violations of human rights.

What I am saying is that you have the right to defend yourself with lethal force, with consequence. There has to be a system of checks n balances otherwise, everybody is off'ing everyone because they feel mortally threatened.
Some observations.

About mass shootings: they are a truly tiny component of overall armed/violent crime. But they become media orgies, partly because the media are run by outright enemies of distributed power, but mostly because they have abandoned formerly-held journalistic standards. No clear thinker will allow the hysteria about mass shootings be the hinge of a gun rights discussion.

About humans: show me where I dehumanized anyone! Calling some people inherently bad is simple honesty of observation. I did not stoop to calling them [racist term] or subhuman or unsouled. ;) But I do believe that if a fellow human shows me violent intent, i will try to acquaint (him?) with the (imo) basic human right of a positive response ... to his possibly complete detriment.

About consequence: how can there not be consequences? In a lawful society, there is police/judicial review. The Zimmerman case illustrates this. He's not getting away with it, even if acquitted. The cost to his life and reputation are already severe.

In a lawless society, the consequences are the precipitation of feud. Only complete fools, or those who have been driven beyond caring, would imagine they could shoot someone and suffer no consequence without a big dollop of luck.

Finally, the totally different world. Even a few years ago i swallowed that idea noncritically. But lately I have been reading a lot of world history on a hobby level. What i am learning is that the world is not totally different in terms of society, its mores, economics and politics. Take away our technology, and we're not that far past Rome and barely ahead of France in the late 18th. We're the same sort of creature that built the Pyramids, held autos-da-fe and burned a swath across Eurasia from the saddles of a hundred thousand steppe ponies ... and voted in the guy who'd rebuild a bankrupt nation on the graves of millions of Jews and Russians. I reject any argument that "we're past all that". We're simultaneously awesome and awful. I embrace the awesome and watch the awful from an elevated and covered position. Crosshairs are involved. cn


Well-Known Member
Surprised you can type so well with DD's nuts in your mouth.
Voice of experience?
As far as I am concerned and I'm sure many others, you are no intellectual superpower and should not act as so. F zimmerman what he did was flat ass wrong. I am just trying to support the use of firearms, and CCW for responsible citizens. It is real easy to call people liars and claim a false agenda for someone else when your on the internet. These things would not be so boldy said in person, I am just here to exchange views.
Sad little man can only spout insults. Post a lie, you're a liar. Yeah, that is easy.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Aren't you just a self righteous little prig.

Did you go and read the declaration of independence? Do you still think the Brits would have pulled up stakes and skedaddled if we had just voted them off the continent?
You, sir, are a pretender and a blow hard. Your cut and paste techniques are admirable but you should spend more time working on your comprehension so that when you post a quote to back up your argument you know what it means. I began to feel a little bad about tearing you a new asshole but after watching you continue to fling your ignorant bullshit I had no reservations left.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Red, I can't read your non-sense as your currently worthy of the ignore list. Well done!

In the mean time, I am going to assert a reminder that your tuff as shit and I got the pic's to prove it!

View attachment 2462843
Path, you joined RIU today. You jumped right into the politics section and spouted a bunch of semi-coherent nonsense about federal laws that are simply wrong. You got called out on it.

Maybe you ought to lurk and read a while before you start name calling. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
You, sir, are a pretender and a blow hard. Your cut and paste techniques are admirable but you should spend more time working on your comprehension so that when you post a quote to back up your argument you know what it means. I began to feel a little bad about tearing you a new asshole but after watching you continue to fling your ignorant bullshit I had no reservations left.
You think you tore him a new asshole? ROTFLMAO

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Im into Filipino Mail order ladyboys
I got ripped off though, mine went hermie and dropped a kid 12 years ago
You too? I love when they bleach their eyebrows but not their pubes. Sorry this isn't about guns but the OP is leading the charge off subject so I guess it's game on.
Some observations.

About mass shootings: they are a truly tiny component of overall armed/violent crime. But they become media orgies, partly because the media are run by outright enemies of distributed power, but mostly because they have abandoned formerly-held journalistic standards. No clear thinker will allow the hysteria about mass shootings be the hinge of a gun rights discussion.

About humans: show me where I dehumanized anyone! Calling some people inherently bad is simple honesty of observation. I did not stoop to calling them [racist term] or subhuman or unsouled. ;) But I do believe that if a fellow human shows me violent intent, i will try to acquaint (him?) with the (imo) basic human right of a positive response ... to his possibly complete detriment.

About consequence: how can there not be consequences? In a lawful society, there is police/judicial review. The Zimmerman case illustrates this. He's not getting away with it, even if acquitted. The cost to his life and reputation are already severe.

In a lawless society, the consequences are the precipitation of feud. Only complete fools, or those who have been driven beyond caring, would imagine they could shoot someone and suffer no consequence without a big dollop of luck.

Finally, the totally different world. Even a few years ago i swallowed that idea noncritically. But lately I have been reading a lot of world history on a hobby level. What i am learning is that the world is not totally different in terms of society, its mores, economics and politics. Take away our technology, and we're not that far past Rome and barely ahead of France in the late 18th. We're the same sort of creature that built the Pyramids, held autos-da-fe and burned a swath across Eurasia from the saddles of a hundred thousand steppe ponies ... and voted in the guy who'd rebuild a bankrupt nation on the graves of millions of Jews and Russians. I reject any argument that "we're past all that". We're simultaneously awesome and awful. I embrace the awesome and watch the awful from an elevated and covered position. Crosshairs are involved. cn
I totally agree with your statement in regards to it being a gross media orgy. I know that this is common place, and it happens far more than I wish it did. Please don't think I base any gun decision I make based on anything media or any mass shootings. What I am stating is that black markets enable mass shootings. They give a means to do it that normally is denied.

I never said you dehumanized anyone m8. To you its an honest observation, to me its a distortion of reality. Humans are Humans. We are all born the same, but we all get made into something different. Society creates "bad humans"...nobody is born that way, and nobody dies that way in my opinion. Life to me is not a measured outcome of how you turned out in terms of the measures/standards of a society. Life to me is far greater than society and being a citizen of one. A Materialistic mind cares about the outcomes of a role in society.

Your dead on in regards to your post about consequences. That is exactly what I mean. We can't just give superficial consequences. In my opinion Zim has life-long consequences without even stepping a foot in a Prison.

A lawless society??? Where's that at?? :) Maybe you could throw Somalialand in there but nobody recognizes them as a country let alone a society. Laws permit a society. Otherwise you just have chaos.

Couldn't agree more in regards to Rome and France.

I could be wrong, but this thread has turned into a typical RIU thread...a lousy pissing match that is so far off OP topic is SNL worthy.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You, sir, are a pretender and a blow hard. Your cut and paste techniques are admirable but you should spend more time working on your comprehension so that when you post a quote to back up your argument you know what it means. I began to feel a little bad about tearing you a new asshole but after watching you continue to fling your ignorant bullshit I had no reservations left.
All fine and dandy, but did you read the declaration of independence? It is written by the same set of revolutionaries who wrote the constitution. Those two documents, written by the same people who fought a revolutionary war against a despotic government ought to give you nearly everything you need to know about the main intent and purpose of the second amendment. That is the crux of your disagreement with me here.

Do you really not understand the declaration of independence? Is it really too impenetrable because the language is two hundred years old? I refuse to believe that a guy who can write a clear sentence, like you, has any trouble understanding the following sentence:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Now, if Path had asked me to explain what that sentence means I would be more agreeable as I accept that he has difficulty understanding stuff.


Well-Known Member
You too? I love when they bleach their eyebrows but not their pubes. Sorry this isn't about guns but the OP is leading the charge off subject so I guess it's game on.
Perhaps it's time I left. Ya'll are getting a little too weird for me, perverts.