Amount of light for a 4x4 area.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I will be ordering a 4X4 Darkroom tent. I was originally going to get one 1000 w HPS but I have been seeing that peeps run both HPS and MH in there tents to flower. Should I get 1 600 w HPS and 1 600 W MH to run together? Or 1 1000 w HPS and 1 1000 w MH together? Thank you in advance for any help provided.



Hello everyone, I will be ordering a 4X4 Darkroom tent. I was originally going to get one 1000 w HPS but I have been seeing that peeps run both HPS and MH in there tents to flower. Should I get 1 600 w HPS and 1 600 W MH to run together? Or 1 1000 w HPS and 1 1000 w MH together? Thank you in advance for any help provided.

hi there i have know experience but i asked a similar question about a dr 120 tent that is 4ft by 4ft and i was asking for hps as a flower room only i was told to use a 600 w hps or 1000 if i wanted well hope this helps


I would go with the two 600w lights. Because you can get the lights closer to the plants and more even light distribution over the tops of them. And I think that 2000w is too much for that small of space and too much for the power bill compared to 1200w. Have you looked at the air cooled hoods if you get those you can get them even closer and wont have as many heat issues. If you spend a little more now on your set up it will pay off later. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what they said. More lower wattage lights covers a larger area than a higher wattage bulb. The light intensity will be a bit lower, but worth it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I am thinking that if I expand my grow, due to becoming a couple others care takers, if I should get the 1000 w's to expand with? Thank you for all the great advice!