And the Beat goes on


Well-Known Member
Found this the other day, its by a fella named Bob Rinear who has become a successful personal trader with a very high rate of correct predictions.

And the Beat Goes On...

So, it's now January of 2010. I trust you all had a great New Years Holiday and spent some quality time with family and friends? Good. So now it's time to start to get back to business, and boy what a strange business it will be.

Each year we try and make a few predictions about the upcoming year. Interestingly, we get more of the right than we get wrong which is a good thing, but that doesn't mean they always make us happy. For instance we predicted the banking mess, the housing implosion and the total ruination of our economy. Although we got it right, it certainly isn't tremendous that it came true. I'd have much rather been dead wrong and we had a wonderful economy with full employment.

So as we look out into the new year, what do we see? Well Obama ran on the platform of change, and yet the only thing I see him changing is - America from a capitalist society to a socialist society. Yet change is brewing, and stewing. Simmering right below the surface. Interestingly most people don't see it, as they go along blinded by the latest fads, TV shows sports shows, and office gossip. But trust me change has been happening, and will accelerate for the next few years.

We as the most successful age group this planet has ever seen, have been witness to all manner of change over the past 50 years. Follow along with me for a while, believe it or not I do have a point about all this. Have you ever seen the "funny email" comparing high school of 1957 to High school of today? Even if the answer is yes, take a moment to read a few points just to refresh your memory.

Scenario 1:
Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.
1957 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.
2009 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario 2:
Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
2009 - Police called and SWAT team arrives * they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged them with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3:
Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.
1957 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2009 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD. The school gets extra money from the state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4:
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1957 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.
2009 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with the psychologist

Scenario 5:
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1957 - Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock.
2009 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario: 6
Pedro fails high school English.
1957 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.
2009 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7:
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.
1957 - Ants die.
2009- ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called.. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents - and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8:
Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.
1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2009 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

As much as this email was supposed to be a satirical "funny" portrayal, the fact is it's much closer to reality than make believe. The list could go on and on and on and on. Here, I'll make one up real quick:

Bob and his dad go fishing at Sandy Hook NJ one evening. Dad builds a fire on the beach and drinks 3 beers, Bob talks "man talk" with his father, and they fish and bond as friends sharing a night of fishing, and chatting
1970 - Dad puts out the fire, cleans up the area, and we drive home with a few nice fish and a lot of great memories
2009 - Dad is arrested for building a fire on the beach, and fined for having a beer in a public place. Bob goes nuts screaming about how once this was a relatively free country and now all anyone wants to do is control you. Bob's arrested as a terror suspect.

Shall I go on? No, you all get the point. There has been an awful lot of change in the last 50 years and Frankly most of it sucks. All one has to do is compare the two time periods and we find something startling. Despite all this social engineering, Political correctness BS, and the Nanny state, we as a nation are so much worse off than we were in 1957 that it's incomparable. At that point we were the most powerful economy on earth. We were the largest creditor nation on earth. There was no inflation to speak of. A one working parent family could live comfortably. Crime was lower. Our prisons weren't filled to the brim with kids on drugs, our shelters weren't filled with 14 year old single mothers. Our legal system made sense, and people didn't view everything as "someone elses fault". We had just kicked Germany's ass, Japan's ass and then had to stand down Korea. All in all, life was easier, made more sense, and wasn't as stressed.

Today after all those years of monkeying around with "new education" liberal ideas about everything from PC, to being green to you name it, where are we? The most broke nation the planet ever saw. Our prisons filled to overflowing. Our court system clogged to the brim with frivolous lawsuits as everyone tries to get something for nothing. Our dollar is worth a nickle. Crime is rampant. Unwed mothers abound. 30% of our kids have some form of ADD, or what have you. The average person pays more for insurances in a year, than people paid for rent for the entire year. Shall I go on? No, I won't. But you understand where I'm coming from. We have allowed our incredible nation to slip and slide into something that wouldn't have even been recognizable just 50 years ago. Was this progress????

But nowhere has the change been as dramatic as in the world of "money", ala Wall street and the financial business. In the 50's a banker was a well respected person. People on Wall Street were looked upon as something quite special. Honesty and integrity was the backbone of the economic structure. So, what about today? How about Enron? Worldcom? Bernie Madoff? Goldman Sachs? Trillions in CDO's, sold to investors as prime, yet in reality junk. Remember accounting 101 in School? You add up the credits minus the debits and you have a profit. Today they "mark to model", not mark to market. So, things are worth what they say they're worth. Fantasy. Fraud. Manipulation.

Our economic system from the Federal Reserve, down through the major institution banks, and their blowhard cronies in Washington DC have raped the American public in ways they don't even understand. While the Corporations took over the airwaves via television and began pumping into your homes what they wanted you to hear, see, feel and adore...the scoundrels in our Government played their political games, spending monies they could never have, making themselves rich, and stealing from you. At every turn a new law was enacted to take away more and more of your freedoms. All in all it's been quite a change from years ago.

Unfortunately THAT change isn't going to change. We are stuck with the fraud, the two sets of books, the lying Congressmen, the unconstitutional FED, the "too big to fail" bullshit, the taking over of companies, the destruction of the dollar, the new push for socialized medicine and a host of other ills that are unfortunately "with us" forever. Which brings me all the way back to the beginning of this letter. See, we already changed the fabric of what was America over these last 40 - 50 years. Are we better off for it all or not? My x goes in the NOT column. Oh sure you might have Ipods, and wireless phones and big screen tv's, and I agree they're wonderful. But guess what? I'd toss it all in the sea to be able to have some of the freedoms back I had as a kid. To be able to say I work "on Wall Street" and be proud of it, instead of feeling dirty. To have a sound economic system where one paycheck could pay the bills and "mom" could work is she wanted to. To not have to look over my shoulder every damn day wondering if a lawsuit is coming my way because the wheelchair ramp into my store is 1 degree off.

We have had a good track record of predicting the future. That's not because we're gifted, we're not seers, we have no crystal balls, not even a connection to a 900 number psychic. So, how then could we be so good at predicting long term trends? It is here that we lose some readers, and hey, that's okay. Been there done that. You have to ask yourself a VERY simple but Incredibly important question. Was the change in America from all the great things she was, to this shell of it's former self by accident? Was it all a lot of great ideas gone bad? OR was something sinister working silently in the background, patient but determined to destroy the old Gal? Well I guess you know my answer. None of this was by accident folks. The old European money masters, the global elites, and "enemies" at extremely high levels of Government the world over have been working on taking America down for many many years. It's just that now, we are seeing the fruits of their labor. So, it was easy for us to suggest in 2000 that gold would hit 1000 an ounce in ten years. We knew the agenda of the slime balls that have been bent on beating America for ages. It was no problem for us to predict that we'd go into Iraq and NEVER leave. It was no problem predicting the wild housing orgy, or the subsequent crash. It was actually EASY to predict we'd bail out all the bankers, they did it once before during the S&L crisis of the 80's.

We aren't seers. We aren't Nostradamus. We just know how to follow a good scam is all. If the scam is to bring America down but you can't do it militarily, how do you do it? Screw up it's society, implement insane Political correctness, preach that everything they do is for "your safety", stir up the races, Eat away at your freedoms, and most importantly crush her economy. Well guess what? They've done a fine job of all of it. We are truly in the "end game" of many years of manipulation, cunning, and planning. Does that sound too far out for you? Okay please stop reading, go turn on a Football game and scream at the top of your lungs, have a six pack, send the wife out shopping and make believe you're in the "sweet spot". Oh and don't forget to roll your eyes and tell me I'm nuts. That has to be included in the package.

For those of you who finally awoke, and just said "ya know this guy's onto something", congratulations. See, the ONLY way you could predict some of the things that we've predicted that sounded so insane ,was if indeed we "knew" there were people working to make those insane things happen. We just happen to know that yes Scarlett, there are bad people out there, people with big agenda's that want to control you, scare you, make you toe the line, tax you, and work you like a serf. If you know that, if you really believe it, it's sort of easy to figure what happens next isn't it? EXACTLY.

So just what is next? Do we recover like the blowhard parrots on CNBC tell us every day? Or do we sink into a deeper recession? Do we really implode and experience the big depression or can they engineer a soft landing and we come out just fine? Will there be another war to take our mind off things, like the war they let happen in Europe so many years ago?? Will we EVER rise to global stardom again?

These are all pretty deep questions aren't they? Yes indeed. But we don't ever shy away from going places others won't, so here's the deal folks. Yes indeed we're going to not only fall into deeper recession, we're going into a big depression. Right now 75% of all the economic activity we see is Government printed money sloshing around the world. If printing money really worked, don't you think the Greeks, Romans, etc would have tried it? Don't you think that all the kings of England would have done it and made it work? The fact is it doesn't work. It makes things feel better before they get horribly worse again. Right now we're a zombie economy, kept alive by the juice of cheap plentiful money. But can that go on forever? No, ask Weimar Germany. Ask Argentina or Zimbabwe. Even if done on a global scale such as we see now, the game finally comes to an end. Thee PROBLEM is picking the exact timing of the end. That's a hard one.

This year is an election year for our ahem, fine upstanding Politicians in Washington. You can bet they are going to pour as much money as Bernanke can possibly print into the economy, hoping that they can make it look good enough that you forget the pain of 08/09. See, they all want to remain in their incredibly cushy jobs. You know the jobs where they get unlimited healthcare for free. The jobs that trot them around the Nation on our dime, and where they can make millions at speaking engagements. They love those jobs and will pull a con job on America to make it look like they actually saved her. That's the problem with timing the beginning of the big slide. They're going to pump more stimulus than we've ever seen, so they can save their sorry butts.

So, here are a few overall predictions. 1) Yes we are going to slide into depression, fairly deep depression. 2) gold will run to 1500, then to 2500. 3) we will be in another war. 4) the DOW will trade below 5000 probably hitting 4500 5) Hyper inflation will come and interest rates will top 12%. 6) unemployment will continue higher, with 15% officially and 25% unofficially. 7) One of the major banks will fail 8) The FED will be audited, and the findings will spur even deeper cries for wider audits, and their disbandment 9) The FDIC will declare itself insolvent 10) 2200 small banks will fail. 11) More Foreign nations will default on their sovereign debt 12) Trade wars will develop 13) after a brief rally the dollar will continue to fall.

Okay, now what about timing of all this? How much of it is going to occur in 2010, while the rest takes place between 2011 and 2012? The way we see it, "they" will keep the market humming along for as long as they can into 2010. It's not unreasonable to think they clear DOW 11K in the first quarter. But, by the end of 2010, we will be flirting with 7500 to 8500. Gold will probably make it to about 1700 by the end of 2010. Small banks will continue to fail, just like the 140 of them that failed in 09, probably bringing the total to about 350 by year end. The EU will struggle to stay together while fringe players like Greece, and Ireland do all and anything they can to not declare outright bankruptcy. At some point in 2010, whether the US or Israel and the US will take a first action against Iran. Other wars will break out, such as in Georgia/Russia. Tensions surrounding Pakistan will continue to mount.

But what about DOW 4500 and the "deep depression" and true hyper inflation? I don' think we see that until mid 2011. I do however think the US will foment as much "war" as it can around the globe, virtually looking for another fight. History shows that when economies are on the brink, they start wars to distract people, and keep the military complex humming.

So, 2010 is going to be an odd year. One where every logical bone in your body would say "we have to crash, everything's terrible" but then you think again and know Bernanke and the Fed will jack so much money into the system it "has" to give the appearance of working, even if just for a short while. They will continue to produce bogus Government figures about employment, layoffs, etc etc, and try and "con" people into spending money they don't have. As they continue to hide the real figures, our zombie bankers will continue to take as much as they possibly can, knowing that at some point their jig is up too and the game's over.

So, what do you do about it? You do what makes sense. You buy gold and silver on dips. You trade the market long for as long as it's working and then go "short" when they can no longer keep the charade alive. You keep an eye on your expenditures, and build as much of a nest egg as you can. Keep at least 2 months living expense money "at home" in a personal safe. And now for some "tougher" ideas. Crime is soaring. Just Monday night someone tried to steal the wheels off my kids car while he was parked at a local "gaming" outlet. Desperate people do desperate things and having millions of unemployed people, with upside down mortgages is making them do things out of their comfort zone. It wouldn't be silly to learn the proper use of a gun and to have one in the home. I know that sounds all "dire" and all, but hey, the reality is that as this economy slowly grinds lower and lower, all manner of crime will escalate.

2010 is going to be even more bizarre than 09 if you can imagine that. The Elites will continue their push for global warming taxes and control while the earth continues to cool, endangering crops around the world. Food shortages are going to start making headlines around the world. Politicians will sign more bills they haven't read at 11:59 at night, to an empty chamber. We'll see more so called "terrorism" spring up, and cries for even more "control" over the way people conduct their lives. It isn't easy standing by watching America crumble like this, but again, it was the plan for many many years and this is the end game of it.

Can anything be done? No. We'll toss out a lot of lousy politicians in November, and it will be a start, but the damage is already done. We actually need the purging a good old fashioned depression will bring and frankly nothing's going to stop it. But the good news is that if you play your cards right, you should be able to come out of it in good shape, and hopefully, just hopefully the American people will demand the America they once had.


New Member
I attended sixth grade in 1949. My male teacher insisted that every boy in the class had a folding pocket knife in his possession at all times. Your knife had to be sharp enough to shave the hair on the teacher's arm. If it wasn't sharp enough, the teacher would say "a dull knife is a dangerous knife!" At that point, he would send you to a table in the corner where the oil stone was placed and you had to sharpen the knife until it shaved arm hair. That was 1949 folks ... believe it, because its true!

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
This year is an election year for our ahem, fine upstanding Politicians in Washington. You can bet they are going to pour as much money as Bernanke can possibly print into the economy, hoping that they can make it look good enough that you forget the pain of 08/09. See, they all want to remain in their incredibly cushy jobs. You know the jobs where they get unlimited healthcare for free. The jobs that trot them around the Nation on our dime, and where they can make millions at speaking engagements. They love those jobs and will pull a con job on America to make it look like they actually saved her. That's the problem with timing the beginning of the big slide. They're going to pump more stimulus than we've ever seen, so they can save their sorry butts.

So, here are a few overall predictions. 1) Yes we are going to slide into depression, fairly deep depression. 2) gold will run to 1500, then to 2500. 3) we will be in another war. 4) the DOW will trade below 5000 probably hitting 4500 5) Hyper inflation will come and interest rates will top 12%. 6) unemployment will continue higher, with 15% officially and 25% unofficially. 7) One of the major banks will fail 8) The FED will be audited, and the findings will spur even deeper cries for wider audits, and their disbandment 9) The FDIC will declare itself insolvent 10) 2200 small banks will fail. 11) More Foreign nations will default on their sovereign debt 12) Trade wars will develop 13) after a brief rally the dollar will continue to fall.

Okay, now what about timing of all this? How much of it is going to occur in 2010, while the rest takes place between 2011 and 2012? The way we see it, "they" will keep the market humming along for as long as they can into 2010. It's not unreasonable to think they clear DOW 11K in the first quarter. But, by the end of 2010, we will be flirting with 7500 to 8500. Gold will probably make it to about 1700 by the end of 2010. Small banks will continue to fail, just like the 140 of them that failed in 09, probably bringing the total to about 350 by year end. The EU will struggle to stay together while fringe players like Greece, and Ireland do all and anything they can to not declare outright bankruptcy. At some point in 2010, whether the US or Israel and the US will take a first action against Iran. Other wars will break out, such as in Georgia/Russia. Tensions surrounding Pakistan will continue to mount.

But what about DOW 4500 and the "deep depression" and true hyper inflation? I don' think we see that until mid 2011. I do however think the US will foment as much "war" as it can around the globe, virtually looking for another fight. History shows that when economies are on the brink, they start wars to distract people, and keep the military complex humming.

So, 2010 is going to be an odd year. One where every logical bone in your body would say "we have to crash, everything's terrible" but then you think again and know Bernanke and the Fed will jack so much money into the system it "has" to give the appearance of working, even if just for a short while. They will continue to produce bogus Government figures about employment, layoffs, etc etc, and try and "con" people into spending money they don't have. As they continue to hide the real figures, our zombie bankers will continue to take as much as they possibly can, knowing that at some point their jig is up too and the game's over.

So, what do you do about it? You do what makes sense. You buy gold and silver on dips. You trade the market long for as long as it's working and then go "short" when they can no longer keep the charade alive. You keep an eye on your expenditures, and build as much of a nest egg as you can. Keep at least 2 months living expense money "at home" in a personal safe. And now for some "tougher" ideas. Crime is soaring. Just Monday night someone tried to steal the wheels off my kids car while he was parked at a local "gaming" outlet. Desperate people do desperate things and having millions of unemployed people, with upside down mortgages is making them do things out of their comfort zone. It wouldn't be silly to learn the proper use of a gun and to have one in the home. I know that sounds all "dire" and all, but hey, the reality is that as this economy slowly grinds lower and lower, all manner of crime will escalate.

2010 is going to be even more bizarre than 09 if you can imagine that. The Elites will continue their push for global warming taxes and control while the earth continues to cool, endangering crops around the world. Food shortages are going to start making headlines around the world. Politicians will sign more bills they haven't read at 11:59 at night, to an empty chamber. We'll see more so called "terrorism" spring up, and cries for even more "control" over the way people conduct their lives. It isn't easy standing by watching America crumble like this, but again, it was the plan for many many years and this is the end game of it.

Can anything be done? No. We'll toss out a lot of lousy politicians in November, and it will be a start, but the damage is already done. We actually need the purging a good old fashioned depression will bring and frankly nothing's going to stop it. But the good news is that if you play your cards right, you should be able to come out of it in good shape, and hopefully, just hopefully the American people will demand the America they once had.
man, shit will be deep. people just need to get off their fat asses!

marijuana will fix all.

I attended sixth grade in 1949. My male teacher insisted that every boy in the class had a folding pocket knife in his possession at all times. Your knife had to be sharp enough to shave the hair on the teacher's arm. If it wasn't sharp enough, the teacher would say "a dull knife is a dangerous knife!" At that point, he would send you to a table in the corner where the oil stone was placed and you had to sharpen the knife until it shaved arm hair. That was 1949 folks ... believe it, because its true!
priceless memory, i can imagine a kid in the corner workin his knife over. lol

what has this world come to?


Well-Known Member
I love how its too much to read, took me 5 minutes, but I understand that in todays short attention span theater that anything that takes one longer than 30 seconds is probably not worth the time. If its too long for you to read, don't read it, but don't come on here telling me its too long, it makes you look like a lazy ass.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
I love how its too much to read, took me 5 minutes, but I understand that in todays short attention span theater that anything that takes one longer than 30 seconds is probably not worth the time. If its too long for you to read, don't read it, but don't come on here telling me its too long, it makes you look like a lazy ass.
sounds like drama.


Well-Known Member
Too much to read? REALLY? Wow. I just did my meds (nice heavy indica through my Vapor Brothers vaporizer) and I even finished that. I think it is indeed, a sad reality. :(
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." was the quote I believe. Ponder this- "What will you do when the Romans do not?"

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
Too much to read? REALLY? Wow. I just did my meds (nice heavy indica through my Vapor Brothers vaporizer) and I even finished that. I think it is indeed, a sad reality. :(
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." was the quote I believe. Ponder this- "What will you do when the Romans do not?"

“Tutto Cambio, Cambiamo Tutto?”

do not? the romans do not internet.

Illegal Smile

I seldom read cut and past posts, not because they are too long, but on principle. If you can't take time to type your own words, I can't take time to read it.