Another electricity question. God I hope I'm wrong!!!


Well-Known Member
400w hps light on for 18 hours a day for my auto flower grow. 400w is 4 units of energy used per hour. Multiply that by 18 hours a day equals 72 units.
I'm paying 13.35p per kw/h. Unless I'm wrong which I hope I am thats £9.61 per day just in lighting. Can anyone confirm this


Well-Known Member
thats not right. a 400 is 4.5 amps, not sure about the amp to kilowatt hour conversion prolly cost bout 30-35 bucks a month...peace


New Member
american here figure out your total watts then multiply by the average cost in cents per hour then multiply by 30 average days in a month

so you have 400x.0001(10cents a kwh is average for most places)x18 hours x30=1.20$


Well-Known Member
your math is right but do you really pay 13.35 for hydro? Where I live in Canada I pay 8.5 cents a kwh.


Well-Known Member
I don't think a 400 should add more than $5-$10 a month. Just alter a few things to offset it. I actually lowered my bill with some planning.

8"x8"x5" heater/fan. Yes, very small = 1400 watts
Oil radiator type heater = 1500 watts
Fridge = 1200-1500 watts

You could also switch out your house bulbs to CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, I am based in England and I think andyk is right it is £0.96p per day to run which is just under £30 amonth. My 240w cfl's are about £0.58p per day and £17 ish a month. Will I get more yield off of auto flowers if I change 2x 240w cfl to a 1x 400w hps?


Active Member
Another thing to do to cut down your power consumption. Is hook up your tv's and pc's to power strips that can totally kill the power draw.

As they still draw power "quite a bit of power" when turned off, you can save yourself a $100-200 a year just doing that if you have big screen and a couple pc's.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
your math is right but do you really pay 13.35 for hydro? Where I live in Canada I pay 8.5 cents a kwh.
It's only 13p for the first X amount, after that it goes upto 20p+. The government is trying to kill people off, only way it makes sense. Gas is equally mad. They opted to raise our prices of gas and electricity by 20% overnight despite record profits and the government did nothing but tut at them for being insensitive towards the old and poor.


Well-Known Member
Just contacted them to find out cost. Cheeky fuckers didn't tell me its only for the 1st amount. They kept that quiet

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To correct myself, just peeked at a bill, which are done on quarterly cycles. 24.475p for the first 720kwh and 11.334p thereafter. That means that it can be argued that my grow light is charged at a rate of 24p/kwh every quarter (i swing it and say that's what the ceiling lights, heating and cooker cost, the grow light is under the 11p bracket due to splitting bills with a flatmate :P). my annual forecast is £1450 for a single 600w bulb and a computer that's used maybe 4 hours a day. That is just shy of 17% of my annual income. They're trying to kill us! :D


Well-Known Member
Just worked out a 600w at 13p per kw/h. £1.44 per day which is £40 odd a month.
TipTop, you say £1450 per annum for the light and laptop. Being the laptop won't cost anything as much as a 600w hps. £40 a month is only £480 a year. Surely you mean £1450 is the whole household bill?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, the whole household bill. It's a computer as opposed to a laptop and the screen alone uses in excess of a few hundred watts. Other than that i have 1 35w cfl for lighting and use the washing machine once or twice a fortnight. I am as strict as i can be when it ocmes to using electricity and gas, and the flatmate is hardly around to add to the cost, but that's still plenty more than i consider an appropriate price for my modest usage. If i had to pay the whole bill myself i would certainly consider selling weed as opposed to living off my legal income. After rent and before any bills i live off £90 a week. I want a stream and to build a water wheel! :D


Well-Known Member
get rid of those autos and just go 12-12 from seed elec and still grow some nice big bud...


Well-Known Member
i use 4.25 per day........i run a 600 ,400, 250 , 3 x 4inch rucks, 1 x 5 inch ruck and 2 x 9 inch, big tv, cooker etc........


Well-Known Member
I have thought about 12/12 del but to be honest, 8 weeks flowering straight from seed, will yield me about 1/2 oz per plant.