Another James David Manning Classic


Well this dude is a little wacky because Hitler isn’t controlling Mr puppet Obama. It’s people like Goerge Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Rockefeller’s Rothchilds. etc.


Well-Known Member
People like Goerge Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Rockefeller’s Rothchilds. etc. run in the same circles as the people who supported and financed Hitler.

The same groups that put Hitler in power put Obama in power, IMO.
These same groups seem to have a dog and pony show for us every 4 years.
So they can parade their acceptible canidates before the sheeple.
Let the sheeple deside who they want bossing them around.

All of them spineless middle of the road flakes who serve only their masters the aformentions ass-holes.