Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
the American people actually picked Clinton with the popular vote. unfortunately our systems does not work like that.
I'm going to be ok. My businesses will survive Trump. I think you better ask yourself what are you going to get out of this ? If all you can say is Trump won without stating what benefits you will get from his win..... well that's just dumb and stupid.
Support your president or FUCK OFF to North Korea.


Well-Known Member
You would suggest killing Americans who are protesting.
Rog is who has said that, he wanted all but a few killed and the few jailed for the rest of their lives.
Hell no just to wound, they will be bragging before get out of the ER. It will also make them think twice about such silly shit as to usurp the rule of law.


Well-Known Member
AMERICAN people have spoken, the people have chosen their president via the democratic process.You're a whiny little bitch traitor.
Nahhhhh, brainless ANGRY trash like YOU and the rest of the filth polluting this thread got LUCKY, nothing more. Your orange hate idol is already on his/it's way'll see... ;)

Man, I take a long weekend and the place gets overRUN with deplorables! Tsk tsk least THREE have been axed, though, so that's a start!


Well-Known Member
Nahhhhh, brainless ANGRY trash like YOU and the rest of the filth polluting this thread got LUCKY, nothing more. Your orange hate idol is already on his/it's way'll see... ;)

Man, I take a long weekend and the place gets overRUN with deplorables! Tsk tsk least THREE have been axed, though, so that's a start!
Another traitor


Well-Known Member
Support your president or FUCK OFF to North Korea.
The socks are flying out of the woodwork, feeling a sense of pseudo-safety now that their orange Hitler has (supposedly, cough) 'won the day'!

Priceless! lol

These threads are a shameful display of the WORST of humanity....not for much longer, though....


Well-Known Member
Rog is who has said that, he wanted all but a few killed and the few jailed for the rest of their lives.
Hell no just to wound, they will be bragging before get out of the ER. It will also make them think twice about such silly shit as to usurp the rule of law.
You're on a weed site talking about people usurping the rule of law.
You can't make this ignorant shit up


Well-Known Member
I support him grabbing by the pussy and deporting "illagals" lol starting with his wives


Well-Known Member
I mean, sure, I EXPECTED dickless creepers like 'desert_douchebag' and 'chunky shit' would seep from the sewer, naturally feeling a sense of safety in this racist-rich environment, but to see the return of nitro friggin harley ??
This is gonna be awesome!
