anxiety issue


Well-Known Member
here the deal im about to start growing a few auto and my girlfriend ( who someke like half a gram a year at most) asked me to find her auto train that help with anxiety and insomnia I did a few search on the net but dint find a lot of description or info for it. If anyone can sugget me a few il appreciate :)


Well-Known Member
try seedsman they have a nice selection of auto and from what im guessing the NL auto is stress anxiety depression kosher. You could also cross check that the ones leafy says are good for her condition dont come in auto. Alot are being mixed and shit with karalas and rued. I have found that most kush are anxiety friendly my wife hates getting paranoid.scientist.png


use find a strain that is good for what you need then start looking which has an auto, lots of sites have a Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis %'s. A pure Indica is good for anxiety. Honestly i would recommend Critical+. I too have anxiety and this is going to be what i am looking into next