Any advantage to going outside with a few (so late in summer)?


Active Member
I'm curious if there's any advantage to popping a few clones outside in the dirt. My vegetable garden will hide them nicely, but it's already August. Will the yield be any better on these girls if I let them have at it in the back yard? By the way, my soil is great (says the 10 foot tall corn), and I live in Northern California (frost is rare, fog is a-plenty). Also note, because of my area, we get an indian summer so the Fall will remain sunny and warm.

Look forward to your input; I'll probably try the experiment anyway, but curious. :)


Active Member
You have to take into account the amount of light you have. I live in Northern Oregon and my outdoor plants begin to flower in mid August. We are at about 14
hours of light and getting shorter by the day. I'm considering what you are talking about except I was going to veg indoors and then go outside to flower to save some $ and possibly get a better yield as long as I can beat the Nov 1st average frost.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if there's any advantage to popping a few clones outside in the dirt. My vegetable garden will hide them nicely, but it's already August. Will the yield be any better on these girls if I let them have at it in the back yard? By the way, my soil is great (says the 10 foot tall corn), and I live in Northern California (frost is rare, fog is a-plenty). Also note, because of my area, we get an indian summer so the Fall will remain sunny and warm.

Look forward to your input; I'll probably try the experiment anyway, but curious. :)
They will do great because with the diminishing day light; the plant will Think it's supposed to be in veg ,but the longer nights will keep the plant short and it will produce continuous flowers that will have your branches covered. The only downfall is that your plants won't be tall as trees.


Well-Known Member
right on, sounds good to me. i'll give it a shot and see how they do!
I've planted late before and that's how I came to that conclusion. This season I had plants in the ground around March and they're Gargantuan.