Any Benefit to Foliar Feeding? A semi-controlled test


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in foliar feeding in addition to a root drench. I get a lot of acrimonius remarks and general ridicule when I mention that I foliar feed my plants. I look at it like this, athletes can eat healthy and do just fine, but more times than not, they take supplements. Why not do the same for your plants? Sure the roots will give your plant all it needs, but the leaves are also a great way of administering goodies to your plants. I know I won't prove anything conclusively, but I am doing a test on my garden so we can all see if foliar feeding does or does not make a difference. (My enter key is not working on this site... does anyone know how to fix it? Private message me please. Otherwise, I will return later and edit my posts to be more reader friendly.) I am currently rowing heirloom tomato seeds. They are all from the same tomato plant, were planted on the same day into the same medium, given the same nutrient mixes and were grown in the same area. I have transplanted them into my garden and have continued feeding them all exactly the same, except for two of them. These two have been getting foliar sprays every two days. My foliar spray is similar to the recipe Heisenberg uses in his Hydro system. It is actually two different foliar sprays that I alternate. I will post photos soon so all of us can monitor the progress. Any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me.


Well-Known Member
It's just something that's not on most people's schedules so they ignore it because they probably feel they do fine without it. Plus I think the argument, or the myth, is that your plants will get used to having nutes delivered to them that way and their root growth isn't as intense as it should be, thus negating any gains by not flowering properly because you can't foliar feed after x weeks of flowering and the plant isn't feeding correctly anymore because of weak non-specialized roots. Or at least that's how the argument was presented to me. I use Blue Mountain Organics and I never used the Foliar Harmony but I needed better vegging, and more light was not on the menu, so I started looking for anything I could do. And that's how I started on foliar feeding my plants. I use BMO's FH mixed with calcium carbonate and I'm shocked by the growth, and most of all health, when used properly. I can understand some cases where you choose not to foliar feed but the average grower is missing out big time if they're able to and they're not. And what better way to fix so many sooo many deficiencies fast and manage lockouts? So Good Luck with this and maybe you'll make some converts.

PS I think that a script is not running in your browser or you need to reset your editor settings under My Rollitup for your Enter key woes.


Well-Known Member
Here are the first photos so far. The two plants on the bottom left are the ones being foliar fed in addition to normal feeding. * P1010577.jpgP1010578.jpgP1010579.jpg They look a bit unhealthy, but it's actually just some Sevin dust that hasn't washed away yet.


I foliar feed my plants once a week and they do grow really fast the first couple days. Im thinking of turning it up to twice a week.


Well-Known Member
I think you could do it more often than that if you wanted. I don't normally use Nitrogen in my foliar spray so me feeding a couple times a week doesn't hurt. I will use a weak solution of fish emulsion as it is less likely to burn plants, but I wouldn't use a spray containing Nitrogen as frequently. I mostly use Liquid Karma, SuperThrive, Bioweed, Pro-Tekt, aerated earthworm tea, Liquid Light, and occasionally I will toss in some Cal-Mag. There are some good testimonies on Youtube about the benefits of compost tea and foliar feeding. Harvard University uses a spray consisting of Kelp, beneficial bacteria/fungus and molasses on their lawns and gardens.


Well-Known Member
i have to foliar feed to prevent serious root bound issues. the ec/ppm get to high but they need more nutes! got 11 4ft sativas in 2 gallons of soil:) lol im on my first indoor grow and somehow forgot they need dirt to spread their legs


Well-Known Member
I foliar feed every 3 days in veg and til the end of week 3 in bloom..... works out pretty nice for me.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i foliar feed my plants every three days when i soil drench (weather permitting). after i drench the soil i just pour the mixture over the leaves using a 1/3 solution of Jack's 20-20-20. i done this for years on ornamental plants also and it works great.


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted any photos lately, I will try to get some today though. I am actually very surprised to see that the plants I've been foliar feeding in addition to root drench are now smaller than the others, LOL. I guess they've been receiving TOO MUCH ferts.

I was really hoping this test would prove that foliar feeding is beneficial...