any experienced growers

anyone experienced plants that start flowering at the bottom in the shaded area, when the other part of the plant in sunny weather keeps growing,,,,these are outside 6 to 7 ft tall, and last year flowered aug 15th,,,did the clones myself, got the father purple kush growing next to the kids and grand kids, the mother was a sour diesel....the kids are purple diesel


Well-Known Member
Here in Michigan we see sun up at 6 AM and sunset at 9:15 PM. That's a 15+/9 light schedule
and not cinducive to flowering, eh? Now that we passed the equinox the days are getting shorter, but,
you are pretty much stuck to the schedule Mother Nature is on.



Well-Known Member
so ur saying half ur plant is flowering while the other half isnt, wierd. must be a very light sensitive strain in order for shade to kick it into flower, while the rest of the plant isnt