any expert waterfarm users out there feel free to share the wealth.

So this is my first grow and the one thing i seem to be having issues with is my ph/ppms. Im running a waterfarm 8 pack and my ph in all the buckets seem to like sitting at 6.7-7.0 ph and ive already got 7 babies in the buckets. I tried adding SMALL incriments of ph down but it doesnt bring down the ph in the buckets... help??


You need to mod your system into a recirculating system. Use the General Hydroponics recirculating kit instructions and your own connectors. Use a $20 pump in the reservoir to circulate water through the system.

The instructions are available on this site.

So this is my first grow and the one thing i seem to be having issues with is my ph/ppms. Im running a waterfarm 8 pack and my ph in all the buckets seem to like sitting at 6.7-7.0 ph and ive already got 7 babies in the buckets. I tried adding SMALL incriments of ph down but it doesnt bring down the ph in the buckets... help??