Any idea whats wrong with my clones (pics)


Active Member
take them out of a box and put into plastic buckets, or pots number 1. what happens when u wet the box? and try to lift it splat!
Did you use any rooting hormone? If you used a powder that can sometimes over do it and kill off the cuttings. I use a rooting gel which is much more efficient. It seeps into the stem and you can't really use too much. When you took the cuttings what did you do with them? I put mine in small cups and put the cups in a plastic tote. I then cover the tote with clear plastic and put 3 100W CFL clamp lights on them, kind of close too. Clones like 100% humidity, so I spray inside my little a few times a day for the first week or so. That also helps keep the soil moist without directly watering them. If you were under watering to being with then you may have killed what little root growth you had. Dry pockets in soil kill off root hairs and they are very difficult to get to grow again. Those clones look like they may be spanked and you might want to try for some more. It looks like you took the clones 2 weeks ago? They should definately be growing by now. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing :peace:


Did you use any rooting hormone? If you used a powder that can sometimes over do it and kill off the cuttings. I use a rooting gel which is much more efficient. It seeps into the stem and you can't really use too much. When you took the cuttings what did you do with them? I put mine in small cups and put the cups in a plastic tote. I then cover the tote with clear plastic and put 3 100W CFL clamp lights on them, kind of close too. Clones like 100% humidity, so I spray inside my little a few times a day for the first week or so. That also helps keep the soil moist without directly watering them. If you were under watering to being with then you may have killed what little root growth you had. Dry pockets in soil kill off root hairs and they are very difficult to get to grow again. Those clones look like they may be spanked and you might want to try for some more. It looks like you took the clones 2 weeks ago? They should definately be growing by now. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing :peace:
Hey thanks for your input. I used the gel only when I took the cuttings. I didnt mix it into any feeding afterwards though.

Of the 10 clones showing. Which ones would you say take out and which ones still have a chance? I was hoping to get 5 viable mothers from this.