Any local growers out there in southern Ontario? tips for growing under the sun

so last year my grow went pretty ok. It was noob year and i thought i had perfect spots. I watered and fertilized perfectly even had those glass containers you stick into the soil and fill water for long term distribution. i had one 2 plants both northern lights, dense indica leaves smelled heavenly smoked better.
Unfortunately my big plant that had 4 main colas each 1.5 feet long on a 4.5 foot plant 6 weeks into flowering, that's when it was stolen with little bud actually on it, mostly premature hairs xd. The second plant yielded about 1.5 ozs of ripe danky bud. this year im planning on growing a couple spots (guerrilla grow of course). Any tips regarding irrigation systems, increments for mixing topsoil, organic compost and natural soil found on site? Also tips regarding animal control and spot finding. i've done my research and pulled this off clean almost. But advice on keeping my impact minimal and for seeing signs of human presence, thanks. (Also the most cost effective ideas would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done an outdoor grow in a bit but am planning on a few this year. I plant in a swamp that I can access by boat. Doing it any other way is a huge risk due to trails made from going to grow. A swamp has plenty of water and not a lot of people traffic. Good luck! This year I plan on trying some auto's to get them done early. Also i was very please to get a 1/4 pound per plant gorilla style due to infrequent site visits.
I haven't done an outdoor grow in a bit but am planning on a few this year. I plant in a swamp that I can access by boat. Doing it any other way is a huge risk due to trails made from going to grow. A swamp has plenty of water and not a lot of people traffic. Good luck! This year I plan on trying some auto's to get them done early. Also i was very please to get a 1/4 pound per plant gorilla style due to infrequent site visits.
It's definately better than indoor, free light and your swamp idea seems pretty good to me, i was gonna look for some moist ground near a creek or down in a valley, sadly i dont have a boat but i do have lots of rural areas around me and farms with orchards growing peaches and apples etc. I know plants become monsters when growing in a swamp cause of all the water.


Well-Known Member
Be careful near water! I tried a guerrilla grow years ago in what I thought was the perfect spot,until 3 days of rain raised the flowage and washed my girls away..


Well-Known Member
Ummm yup that can be an issue lol. Had the same thing happen to me but plants and bags were still there. Had to move around 50 to higher ground. No one said it would be easy lol. Actually swamp growing is not for the faint of heart and a young mans game lol. There's a reason I haven't done it in a bit lol.
Yea but last year if I didn't go for a few days they'd dry up a lot, probably cause they were in pots not the ground but I feel at man, would hate to see my crop washed away because I didn't go on high rnough ground, even a depression in the land should hold more water than a normal spot during the days I can't water, why kind of system do u use to keep your ladies hydrated


Well-Known Member
Trying to figure that out for this year as well!! Your right about last year being a bitch, glad I sat that one out lol. I typically use a 12v bildge pump on a stake i put in the water. I have 50m of clear poly that I use to water but would have had yo go every 3-4 days last year!! Im thinking of some kind of wicking system using a rope like wick. I grow in 10 lb bags so they last a bit, also I cut the bottoms a third of the way through to let roots grow into ground.
shit a pump may be kinda loud im thinkin using gravity from a higher reservoir and a a hose with a fork at the end near the plants to go different directions with holes poked in it. any thoughts


Near by beaver dams are awesome when it comes to controlling water levels, but then again then you have to deal with beavers too, a predator urine can deter animals if you frequent your grow often take a can of bear piss with yah and you’ll be set!


Well-Known Member
I stay away from streams. Small creeks are okay but eye in the sky looks for weed around flowing water. To avoid noise from pumps and all the other stuff I hike into a place where there is no water and I hike in an army tarp and a garbage bucket. I expect rain to fall in march and april and my bucket is full by the time it comes time to plant. You cover the tarp and bucket with branches so it doesn't stand out and yes, you can do more than one bucket. Plus thieves are also patrolling around main water ways so finding a place with good light and no flowing water can help keep the thieves away.


Well-Known Member
Try moth balls, just a couple near each plant (not to near). Beavers have never touch my plants except for one I put on their house, they didnt like it lol. Bilge pump makes no noise fyi when under water. Planes in this area use IR as well as visual to locate big plots, little ones are pretty much safe IMO. I used to do fifty every year and never had an issue. Actually had them hit another area, 300 yards from my grow, they were in a fence line. Swamps have so many things going on that they are hard to spot. But a few disadvantages like mosquitoes, deer flies, and mud, lots of fucking mud lol. Are biggest issue was watering so thats reason for the pump, it really was a necessity. Also the law likes to get up in late May, early June to look for big dark circles (planter holes) so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Yes if possible dig holes! But they have to be big ass holes IMO. I've done them but stopped after digging a few every year and hauling in dirt. I'm lazy lol. Now I fill the bags at home and transport them by boat to location. If the water is high which it is at beginning i can semi float them to their final spot. I place the on high spots, usually where a tree had died leaving a great little mound of soil, theres hundreds in the right place.