any one ever heard of a book called "the unfriendly town"


Active Member
ok i dont know any of you would have heard of this or not but when i was a kid in middle school. My mother would tutor a kid in my class for reading and one of the book's that the school gave her to read with him was called "the unfriendly town"

it was a mystery book aimed at kids in about 3rd or 4th grade. At the time when I was a kid i did not realize what a laughable piece of propaganda it was. But as i sit and smoke I remembered about it

It was about two young journalist named "Scoop & Skip'' who got a lead about some tourists getting ran out of a small village outside of the city. So Scoop and Skip start to investigate this small town and find that everyone there is very rude and mean and don't want them in town poking around.

Well long story short everyone in the town was growing weed and that's why there were so mean to outsiders. seems like it would be a rather friendly place to me.

basicly im just wondering if any one has heard of this book or any more like it so we can keep this anti-pot propaganda out of our kid's hands