Any sex signs here? :) 13 days into 12/12


Well-Known Member
I'm 13 days into 12/12 and wake up and run home from work to see if I got girls or boys. I have 5 growing in an aerogarden 2 are about 26 inches, 2 are about 22" and one is about 15 inches. Was hoping to know sex sooner since the roots are now all intertwined to hell.

Out of the 3 pictures below can anything be determined.

Also these seeds are 5 free ones I got from my order. No clue what they are, can anyone give me any insight into possible strains.


Well-Known Member
no. 1 looks like it might have some pistils coming out the top (female) but i cant say for sure based on the picture. plz update with more pics for a more confident response.