any skeletons in the closet?


Well-Known Member
ahhh that is amazing man i wish i had something like that in my closet. all i have is my grow no smoke and what i did have the last two bowls of good good smoke my little brother spilt all over the floor an hour ago and it tasted like shit o well looks great man.


Well-Known Member
One of the reasons i started growing was so i could open the cupboard and offer my guests a selection for smoking.

Apparently your the guy I always wanted to be too....


Well-Known Member
fdd is any of that closet stash TGA gear?
i figure since you and sub are both on the RIU team he'd hook you up with some beans


Active Member
im assuimg you have a three pound limit and waiting for someone to be like......well i might actually need to see if you have three pounds.....hahaha nice


Well-Known Member
btw fdd nice looking avatar.
any plans of how much if any cannabutter / edibles will be on your thanksgiving table ?