Any sweet cheap tricks for cooling your rooms down.


Well-Known Member
Here's my predicament I live in Michigan, amongst other things it's hot here in Michigan today it was over 95 I think. It's crazy and needless to say my plants are taking the biggest hit. I have two 1500 cfm(harbor freight( in two of my conjoined 40 by 20 flowering rooms. Also there are ten 1000 watt lights all ventilated ( The lights aren't really my biggest hassle.) leading outside.

*** If you were smart enough to skip that dribble****

I just need a quick fix to cool my rooms before I get the cash for some air conditioners.
Hate to say it but the air conditioners are the only way you are gonna pull it off. You can't bring in cold air from somewhere that it doesn't exist. Sell a few of your lights and take care of the a/c ;)

Best advice I can give.


Well-Known Member
concrete floor?-

hose water all over it. the rapid evap will cool the room significantly.