Anybody ever use a Phototron2 with any success?


2nd time grower here. The last time was 45 years ago when a marijuana tree sprouted in my backyard. I had been throwing my "trash" out of my bedroom window and I went back to college. My Mom wrote and said "Bill, remember those Mexican wildflower seeds you threw in my garden? Well it is as tall as my 1st floor window"! And I wrote back and said "Let it grow Mom. Just let her grow!" Still in my possession is a photo of my Sis standing UNDER the tree. BTW it turned out to be male and when it dropped its pollen it colored my neighborhood yellow!!
Anyway, I scored an antique Phototron2 for $75 and want to set it up to grow!!! Anybody ever use 1 of these? I have seen their videos but can I just apply this to my weed? Plus I live at 5200' in Colorado so how do I keep them warm? Water temp? We have well water (a bit on the hard side) can I use that? Are the lights sufficient?I will write more but it is 4:20 oooops no its not it's 2:20 ...close enough. I'll be back.