Anybody grow in greenhouses?


Well-Known Member
Way to much paranoia
Read the news sites. It happens all the time. Calling bullshit only means something if people respect what you have to say and with the pathetic posts I have seen come from you I doubt anyone respects what you have to say so go agead and call bullshit all you want.


Active Member
I don't post here to be respected even a little. I am here to solve problems
I come across in my own grow. An to drop a little knowledge of what I know .
My family have grown plants in greenhouses for years (nursery business) and I had initially put a lot of thought into using one for growing cannabis as well. But, you will encounter at least three area's that could cause problems, heating, lighting, and security.
Security-If you're talking a greenhouse small enough to cover with fencing you might as well be doing it inside as the heat issue will be unmanagable. If you're thinking a larger house then fencing costs and installation work/time will be great! Also, the current materials used as glazing/covering over greenhouses are not able to be locked down and made truly secure.
Lighting-Unless you're in an area thats quite rural it'll be work to keep any light from touching your plants during their dark period. Not impossible but could be a lot of work if location isn't ideal!
Heating- Here's the really big issue. You'll have to provide either natural ventilation, or mechanical (intake/exhaust venting, or AC). A/C use is totally not practical as it will not keep up with the heat build up on even moderately sunny days. Venting might work, but on hot summer days in August the best you can get will be whatever the ambient outside temp is minus a degree or two. Plus these vents (openings) allow for the grow to be visible from outside which is a no-no! Natural ventilation (roll up sides to 5', open end walls, and roof vents running the entire length of the house) is the only way we keep our houses managable but it won't work for cannabis because the openings, again, allow for outside visibility. On a winter day that's zero outside, if the sun is shining, it will be in the 80's with high humidity inside the greenhouse.
With the state of the marijuana situation right now (believe me if it changes I will certainly consider using one of our houses) i think you're asking for trouble. Ultimately it will be observed by the wrong person(s). Just my 2 cents


Active Member
As stated, thats a pretty poor example. I live within a stone throw of that grow area and I know first hand about 10 cops that worked that field. If it werent for a hunter with a conscience and a cell phone, they would have never found it. 1300 hundred 6 foot plants and they didnt find it without a tip. thats how diligent they are. you know how long those plants wouldve been visible? Seems like paranoia.
dude he's talking about building a fence covering the greenhouse and you don't think that's going to raise a few eyebrow's?all it take's is somebody to call it in and bam your fucked.state police are working with FED'S out in cali what make's you think that M.I. won't?there is no way i would trust my life with some hypocritical pig' city does not allow caregiver's unless you apply for a permit and allow them to do random inspection's so i do not grow in my city,i have to grow 16 miles away in a rented pole barn.


Well-Known Member
I know some one that grew in a green house 12 medical plants + green house x helicopter = BUSTED. if they can see it they can take it
I call bullshit! ENCLOSED LOCKED FACILITY! I know we all smoke a lotta weed but is that a very difficult concept to understand? Greenhouse enclosed in a steel cage, which is secured, is LEGAL. Will you be more out in the open? Absolutely! If you're staying within the limitations of the law then you have nothing to worry about. So much bad advice floating around these forums at times with no legal foundation for such a stance.....sigh **bongrip


Active Member
IF THEY CAN SEE IT THEY CAN TAKE IT, sorry for giving you a heads up on what i KNOW..... I was just trying to keep you from getting busted. If you want to push your luck more power to ya. LOL

"public view means from the sky too"

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
translucent, Not transparent greenhouse covering. shields must be built within areas that vent as to keep all plants out of sight.
I grew in greenhouses 2 years in a row. Also had state police hover over my greenhouse for 2 min. They were obviously checking to make sure it was locked and Enclosed. Construction was 12 foot 4x4 post around the greenhouse. And 16 foot 4x4 post for the center. Then the entire gh was fenced in. With a ply wood door and a dead bolt. Also paper work was laminated and stapled to the door. They left me alone. Follow the law and ur good. Make sure your roof is enclosed to. As we learned from the people va king.


Active Member
I grew in greenhouses 2 years in a row. Also had state police hover over my greenhouse for 2 min. They were obviously checking to make sure it was locked and Enclosed. Construction was 12 foot 4x4 post around the greenhouse. And 16 foot 4x4 post for the center. Then the entire gh was fenced in. With a ply wood door and a dead bolt. Also paper work was laminated and stapled to the door. They left me alone. Follow the law and ur good. Make sure your roof is enclosed to. As we learned from the people va king.
THANK YOU greenmovement this was the answer i was looking for i heard of people that were growing in greenhouses and they didnt get busted or anything and im glad somebody with personal experience can answer my question so thank you!!!
No reason to be scared people. Make sure it is fully enclosed, I used farm fence and the entire greenhouse was enclosed with the fence. And used a 6mil plastic visquen for the roof. But I bought the cheap plastic and had to replace the roof twice. There cannot be any open gaps. If there is it may not be considered enclosed as we learned from the people vs king. I also used the black mess that is used to lay on your garden floor to stop the weeds, as a wrap around the parimitor. The mess also has very small holes allowing the greenhouse to still breath air. It also protected the plants from wind storms. I went 7ft tall of the black mess. To keep the plants out of site. I'll take pics of the structure tommorow. But don't have fear growing in a greenhouse. Make sure it's locked and enclosed and ur following the law and LEGAL!


Well-Known Member
hey gotigers, I have proof, it happened to me. I had a helicopter over my grow, and 6 cars with various law depts. (all plain clothes) Gladwin county. They told me I was turned in by a private plane. I later talked to a pilot friend of mine, and he said he has been approached, they give them free fuel to turn in people, so pilots do it to fill up their planes.

I had a 11 foot fence that you could not see in, was back in 1/4 mile driveway with 40 acres around me. The only person who would find it was a helicopter. Not one soul knew about this, so I have to believe it. They told me it was not in compliance with the law, and I needed a cover. I had the greenhouse laying right next to it, not installed yet, and they told me I could either put the plants in that, or move them to my pole barn. They told me they would come back to check to see if I did it, but they never did. Although I had them moved/cut and my pole barn done that week. I thought for sure I was a goner, but they were pretty good, I had a number of plants hanging, too (still wet) They came upon my patient trimming a plant. they said if they were going to arrest anyone, it would be him, because he was there trimming the plants, and he was only a patient. They also told me I had to fence in aisles for each patient with a locked door for each 12 plants in my greenhouse.
Now I am on this site, looking for anyone who has greenhouse experience, as I know I am ok now in my county. per bayanet, michigan state police, and gladwin county sheriff dept.


Well-Known Member
green movement, I'd like to see pics, did you ever post them somewhere? I have a 50 x 30 fenced in area, and I have a 20 x 12 greenhouse I'm putting inside, and want to cover the other half. So you put 16' posts down the middle and how did you put the roof on without hoops, did you just staple to the posts?

And 25 years away, you have invaluable knowledge, I'd love to pick your brain on greenhouse growing. I was thinking about growing during the winter, and you said it can be warm enough inside. I have a 20 x 48 hoophouse style greenhouse as well as that smaller one. It has a wood stove, so I was thinking about trying to grow during the winter. There are certainly less helicopters looking then.
Even for starting plants early, you could start plants in March, instead of June. Or I've read that the lighting could be that you put plants out in March, and it would be just enough light to flower in, so you could veg inside, put them out in March, and harvest in May.

I want to make my smaller greenhouse a light deprived greenhouse. Does anyone know if I put 90% shade cloth on it, would that be enough, or do you put 2 layers, or panda film?

Can anyone recommend any books on greenhouse growing marijuana in our climate?
To grow in a greenhouse during the winter you'll need to use a double layer of plastic inflated by a small squirrel cage fan. This inflated layer of plastic will become your insulation (generally about R3) and MUCH more efficient than a single layer. It will need to run from ground to ground. Although a wood stove might be possible, the soot, even just from opening and closing the door to load it, will not be beneficial. The newer outdoor wood stoves that pump hot water DO NOT work, as the temperature gradient (diff. between indoors and outside) is too great for it to maintain correct growing temps. We use propane fueled infra-red heaters as they have proven to be the most efficient and effective. In that size house you will need at least two 20" HAF (high air flow) fans to keep that air inside moving thus preventing stagnation (mold problems). If you go with good equipment (you're going to get what you pay for) you'll have about $2500.00 into setting it up as i have described. If you're not willing to go to that extreme I personally wouldn't do it as I believe you'll be wasting your time. Just my opinion!
You could start them inside and flower them in the greenhouse from March thru late April. Extending any later will be problems as our daylength will have become to long. I would use standard black plastic sheeting to darken the smaller house. Solid end walls of plywood will help with insulation and keeping light and unwanted people out!
Just curious but why would anyone want/need to grow in a greenhouse? In your 20'x48' you should be able to take 12 plants of any strain to full potential. Even small Indica hybrids will easily produce 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per plant. Vigorous hybrids could yield more! Unless you're using this for the underground/black market you'd be WAY over any legal medical limit! I could easily convert one of our houses to grow MMJ in, but see reason to do so. My indoor, 16 plant grow produces more than enough for myself and all my patients. Plus, a lot less dealing with bugs and swaying environmental conditions, not to mention the increased possibility of being had!
If you need more help don't hesitate to PM. Good luck and great growing.