Anybody play the 360 online??


Well-Known Member
anouther game thread.....
anyone play the 360 like
gta4 or bf bad company n shit like that?


Well-Known Member
I play GTA IV, Smackdown Vs Raw 2008, I am going to be downloading Call Of Duty 4 soon. I am to much of a jew to go out and buy the games. Feel free to send me a game invite.

My Gamertag is CationicSword

And Yes it is all in one word.


Well-Known Member
anouther game thread.....
anyone play the 360 like
gta4 or bf bad company n shit like that?
A very difficult answer to give without bias coming into it, but, How good is the xbox in comparison to the PS3? Just thinking about going out and buying a console this afternoon. I have always had playstations in the past so am thinking ps3 at the mo.Any unbiased help appreciated. Sorry for hijacking your thread briefly Cyrus!:joint:


Well-Known Member
check it on you tube mate i think the 360 is exactly the same bro jus have to pay 5 squid to play online.... but u gota love 360's games like halo3:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
n well most people have 360's cause they r like a ton cheaper..
i only got mine for online gaming lol i hate 1 player games they suck badly
n i got cod4 on my pc n that just made me wana play multiplayer even worse..


Well-Known Member
i dunno mate i got the pro 360 with like 11 gb hard drive but you can take it off and upgrade to a bigger one if you need to..


Well-Known Member
theres the arcade,pro and elite
the elite has the 160 i think but its like 250 mine was 200 cause i got gta4 with it


Well-Known Member
theres the arcade,pro and elite
the elite has the 160 i think but its like 250 mine was 200 cause i got gta4 with it
How does the memory affect the game play? sorry for all the q's but am just wanting to make sure I get what is best for gameplay!


Well-Known Member
none at all i have a shit net connection n i have not one bit of lag in game on the 360 its fudgin ace mate lol trust me worth the cash