Anyone dealt with Boron deficiency? ( picture + info in the post )



DWC sterile reservoir - 5th week of flower starts today

21-24°C / 40% RH - These are normally constant temperatures and HR inside the tent.

Today morning: pH 6.1 - 1260 ppm / 2.52 EC. - Solution temp: 19.0° lights off - 22.5° lights on

I started flowering in pH 5.9 and went slowly up x.1 per week.

It was supposed to hit 6.3 last week, but as i went up from 6.2 i started seeing small brown spots on new development.

I checked GrowWeedEasy and read that boron is best absorbed from 6.2 downwards, so last night i flushed the nutrient solution, went a bit down with the nutrient concentration (i went a little bit up with the nuts these last days to 1365 ppm / 2.73 EC) and adjusted ph to 6.1.

When light went on this morning I checked and the pH had fluctuated to 5.1, so I corrected it to 6.1 again.

I know I have to wait and see how it develops, but maybe someone has already gone through this and can give me some advice.

Micro nutrient bottle:

S: 0.1%
Fe: 0.1%
Zn: 0.005%
B: 0.025%
Cu: 0.0025%
Mo: 0.0025%
Mn: 0.025%

It is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!