Anyone else having customs problems?

I think out of the last 9 packages of seeds I have ordered, 7 of them have been intercepted from customs. I ordered some from UK and once from Holland. I don't know how all of a sudden all the packages are being intercepted, but they are all going to LA customs (my previous ones that went to NY and Chicago never got caught). Anyone else having issues?:roll:


Well-Known Member
I know people who have the odd random package seized, but good grief, 7/9? wow. That just sucks!

Perhaps try ordering from Canada; maybe it's just the overseas packages being put under more scrutiny? has discrete, unidentifiable shipping. I've ordered from them myself (mind you, I'm in Canada so that likely helps).



Well-Known Member
I think out of the last 9 packages of seeds I have ordered, 7 of them have been intercepted from customs.
Wow, dude that tough, I mean really tough. I'd be seriously pissed. I cant clone worth a fuck so I have to rely on the seedbanks I always hold my breath but I'm 5 for 5. 2 for 9 would be unacceptable. Are you paying for tracking and shit ? I understand most of these banks willl work with you on deliveries that never made it to their destination.


Active Member
send em through Mexico next time via human courier, they are sure to get though :lol:
seriously tho, damn that sux... :blsmoke:

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member They guarantee there shipments when you order guaranteed shipping, It cost me 32 bucks to Michigan from Europe. Never had a problem with them and there very creative when it comes to stealth shipping, One time I looked for 10 minutes through the package before I found my seeds, I thought isc Chicago got em but no. You wont go wrong with them :)
Yeah I bought the stealth and guaranteed shipping, but both banks said they only reship once :( even the reships were seized... Worst of all this was during the government shutdown. They shutdown the parks and all the cool shit, but not customs when I am trying to get seeds to Colorado! Yeah I will try Canada or that OSSC place. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I believe once you have one package seized your name / adress goes on a 'hot list' for extra scruntiny

Try shipping to a different adress with a different name


Well-Known Member
I think out of the last 9 packages of seeds I have ordered, 7 of them have been intercepted from customs. I ordered some from UK and once from Holland. I don't know how all of a sudden all the packages are being intercepted, but they are all going to LA customs (my previous ones that went to NY and Chicago never got caught). Anyone else having issues?:roll:
damn thats crazy. sorry to hear. what company? i use single seeds and am 3/3 so far.


bud bootlegger
I believe once you have one package seized your name / adress goes on a 'hot list' for extra scruntiny

Try shipping to a different adress with a different name
i don't know if i buy that.. i've had one order seized years ago, and have since gotten well, lets just say, more, orders received to the same address.. :D:D


Well-Known Member
maybe the company is lacking stealth. i just got my 4th order today from single seeds. everyone tells me they're too pricey but i dont care, they pull thru every time from my experience. i also had must faster shipping this time for some reason. you dont have to order just 1 seed either which imo would be a waste anyway.